Tuesday May 10th, 2016

Management Act 48/2016 of tourist lodges in Galicia

Tuesday May 3rd, 2016

Tourism Galicia presents to the sector the new regulations Housing Tourism Use

The Axencia Tourism Galicia is carrying out a task of the sector information regarding the rules that will regulate the Housing Tourism Use and expected to […]
Monday May 2nd, 2016

Cluster Turismo of Galicia assumes the Strategic Tourism Plan of Galicia 2017-2020

Cluster Turismo de Galicia will assume the task of preparing the next Strategic Plan of Tourism of Galicia, in which the fundamental lines of action will […]
Monday May 2nd, 2016

FEB closing in Riveira Training Plan in Barbanz

With the talk “Why do we buy what we buy? How emotional overcomes the rational buying decisions” the Federation of Employers of Barbanza closed its Training […]