
The discovery of new destinations, the quality of accommodation and price complete the list of priorities according to the latest ObservaTUR survey.


The study shows differences according to the age and gender of travellers.


What are the factors that most affect tourists when planning a trip? This is the question that the survey carried out by the National Observatory of Outbound Tourism, ObservaTUR, attempts to answer. And the results show that the vast majority (7 out of ten) cite relaxation and disconnection from work and routine, this being the main factor for 30% of them. This is followed in importance by the search for new destinations (for 20%), the quality of accommodation (for 13%) and, in fourth position, the price of the trip, which is also ahead of issues such as not overcrowding or proximity.


The study carried out by this observatory, made up of Amadeus, AON, Beroni, Carrefour Viajes, IAG7/Airmet, Iberia, ILUNION Hotels, MundiPlan, ReiniziaT and the National Union of Travel Agencies (UNAV), also shows that although the aspect of disconnection and rest tops the preferences of those consulted, regardless of age or gender, there are significant differences in terms of the importance they give it and also in how they rank the other most cited criteria.


Thus, relaxation is the most important criterion for 33% of men, while for women this percentage drops by 6 points. There is more agreement on the importance given to the novelty of the destination (18% for men and 17% for women), but women rank price third in their preferences (16%) ahead of the quality of the accommodation (14%), while men value the latter aspect more highly (13%) than the economic (10%).


By age, price is the third most cited factor by 18-24 year olds (18%), but its importance decreases as the traveller’s age increases: 15% for 35-49 year olds, 8% for 50-64 year olds, and 7% for 65-74 year olds. In contrast, the quality of accommodation traces the inverse curve: it is the main preference for 10% of 18-34 year olds, rising to 13% for the next two age segments (35-49 and 50-64) and jumping to 24% for those aged 65 and over.

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