
Between 17 and 20 March, the French capital hosts the Salon Mondial du Turisme de Paris, an appointment which Tourism Galicia goes first to bring the Galician tourism to the main markets for the Galician community, will be present at this fair that go public professional and general.

Galician participation will occur within the space allocated to Spain, from which the attractions of the Galician tourism and major developments for this 2016 will be disseminated, in addition to holding meetings with stakeholders.

And it is that the French market is undoubtedly one of issuers princiales of tourists to our country. With more than 1,200 and 3,000 travelers staying overnight stays, established in the French market last January, the second largest international market for Galicia, after Portugal. In the full year, the French market was in fifth imporancia in order to Galicia, with travelers staying more than 93,000 and about 140,000 overnight stays.

Monday March 14th, 2016

The Galician tourism will be present for the first time at the World Tourism Fair in Paris

Between 17 and 20 March, the French capital hosts the Salon Mondial du Turisme de Paris, an appointment which Tourism Galicia goes first to bring the […]
Monday March 14th, 2016

Regulated access to the beach Catedrais during Easter

Groups of more than 30 people can manage applications through various entities that manage authorizations, as the Tourism Cluster, among others During the Easter period, between […]
Friday March 11th, 2016

Cluster Turismo Galicia increases number of contacts and associates present at ITB Berlin

The delegation, composed of 21 members, held more than fifty contacts between scheduled by the CTG and managed individually March 11, 2015.- For the second consecutive […]
Monday March 7th, 2016

The CSHG brings together major Hotel Chains in its annual workshop

Sponsored by the Alumni Club CSHG, the day offers students an opportunity to come into contact with leading companies in the sector For the ninth year […]
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