
This Wednesday, May 18, from 12 , 30h Galicia is visited by the Minister of Tourism of Paraguay, Marcela Bacigalupo, who will participate in the presentation of his country as a tourist destination atthe City of Culture of Galicia. Marcela Bacigalupo visit Galicia corresponding to the invitation Nava Castro made last march. There Nava Castro held a series of working meetings and presentations of the Galician tourism in Paraguay. In that meeting Castro had various institutional and commercial meetings in which he spoke of the main attractions of Galicia and its potential when offering tourism products that allow the enjoyment of the tourist experience at any time of year and they have great capacity for differentiation, with special emphasis on the Camino de Santiago.
The ceremony in the City of Culture is open to those Galician businessmen interested in establishing trade relations with the South American country.

Saturday May 14th, 2016

Minister of Tourism of Paraguay visits Galicia

This Wednesday, May 18, from 12 , 30h Galicia is visited by the Minister of Tourism of Paraguay, Marcela Bacigalupo, who will participate in the presentation […]
Saturday May 14th, 2016

New tourism product for the Salnés, Ruta del Padre Sarmiento

Throught intergovernmental cooperation and the recent agreement signed between Turismo de Galicia and the Mancomunidade do Salnés, this territory already has a new tourism product, Ruta del […]
Thursday May 12th, 2016

Compostela and Baiona held two briefings about new regulations Housing Tourism Use

Santiago de Compostela and Baiona celebrated this week, two briefings by  Tourism Galicia to report the legislation that will regulate the Housing Tourism Use and expected […]
Thursday May 12th, 2016

Xunta reports on regulatory changes for obtaining the Q quality on beaches

In collaboration with the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality, Turismo de Galicia has offered a technical briefing addressed to all coastal municipalities Galicians to account for regulatory […]
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