
The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Hostelería Compostela, hospitality association of Santiago, held on Monday to approve the new directive. Was not necessary to vote because a single candidacy was presented, headed by the entity’s current president, Sara Santos. The Vice-Chairmanship is held by a restaurant representative, Rita Sobrado, from the Blu Café, while the rest of the board is made up of ten members, five from the hotel business and five from the restaurant business. The members of restaurant business are: David Dopazo (La Rosaleda), Germán González (O Celme do Caracol), Sergio Fernández (Século IX), Lois López (A Nave de Vidán), Paula Paz (ACDC Restaurante). The members of Hotel business are: Óscar García (Garcas), Félix Álvarez (Los Abetos), Angélica Blanco (Congreso), Adrián Comesaña (Pazo de Altamira) and Carlos Tardáguila (San Lorenzo). In accordance with the new statutes, the board of directors will increase from 24 to 12 members, from two to one president and one vice president, who will be alternatively occupied by members of the board of directors. In this way, Sara Santos will occupy the presidency for two years, after which she will transfer the position to vice president, Rita Sobrado.

The new directive is committed to quality tourism for Compostela, working to overcome the problems that have beset the entity in times past, and regaining its prestige and representativeness for which they will maintain their commitment to activities such as Santiago (é)Tapas or Santiago Paixón Doce, and will launch new initiatives “that favor not only its partners, but the entire sector and, therefore, the entire industry.

Wednesday September 27th, 2017

Hostelería Compostela premieres directive and new stage

The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Hostelería Compostela, hospitality association of Santiago, held on Monday to approve the new directive. Was not necessary to vote because a single […]
Tuesday September 26th, 2017

Foz do Iguaçu picks up the eyewitness for the organization of Termatalia Brasil 2018

Termatalia 2017 closed in Expourense but already began to organize the next edition that will take place in Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil between 19 and […]
Monday September 25th, 2017

44 Galician tourist establishments receive the first distinctions of Galicia Calidade Lecer

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Friday September 22nd, 2017

Galician tourist trains are approaching this autumn to A Coruña, Lugo and Ourense after reaching 87% occupancy in summer

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