
The process of stabilising the growth achieved in previous years continues and the highest average stay in eight years is achieved.

The travelers who chose Galicia in August stayed more days, in particular 3% more, thus valuing the various resources and services offered in their trip. In total were more than 634,000 tourists who stayed last August in hotels in Galicia, where they made about 1.5 million nights. The improvement of the average standard was also key to observe a positive evolution in prices and profitability of the sector in the eighth month of the year.

Specifically, the Galician hotel sector saw improved by 3.7% their rates, according to data from the INE, which coupled with average income per available room, which also rose by 1.3% to the highest figure of the decade, allowed the sector to advance in profitability and higher quality tourism. Thus, in the period between January and August, the income of the sector is estimated at around 200 million euros, with its corresponding impact on the socio-economic development of different geodesites in the Community and the generation of employment.

Galicia thus advances in the growth of the last five years after in 2017 had exceeded the historical maximums of passengers and overnight stays. In this case, 2018 shows a more moderate behavior than last year’s records, but higher than the previous historical series. With August figures, Galician hotels already add more than 2.8 million tourists stayed and 5.8 million nights, with remarkable progress again in both prices and stay.

8% more pilgrims

In the particular field of the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago, there have already been more than 270,000 pilgrims, which is 8.5% more than in 2017. These are people of 169 different nationalities who arrive in a diversified way through the different official Jacobean itineraries.

Wednesday September 26th, 2018

In August prices and profitability of the Galician hotel sector improved

The process of stabilising the growth achieved in previous years continues and the highest average stay in eight years is achieved. The travelers who chose Galicia […]
Tuesday September 25th, 2018

The Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas MTB will be held in O Rosal on Sunday 21 October

Registrations are now open through the website www.bttrutavinoriasbaixas.com The BTT Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas will celebrate its third edition in O Rosal on Sunday 21 […]
Monday September 24th, 2018

UNWTO publishes a report with 11 strategies and 68 measures to assist in the management of urban tourism flows

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Thursday September 20th, 2018

Rías Baixas once again achieves a high rating among the visitors who have chosen it as their destination this summer

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