
The report, prepared on the basis of 170 surveys received, reflects the sector’s perspective on this unprecedented situation and recommends a commitment to strengthening the image of Galicia as a safe destination

Economic and fiscal aids, security protocols, investment in planning and contingency, fight against illegality and intrusion, increase in quality and “safe destination” distinctions are some of the demands of the sector included in the report elaborated by Proturga from the 170 surveys collected among the different professionals of the Galician tourist sector. All of them, lodgings, restaurants, tourist guides, active tourism companies, complementary activities and tourism consultancies as well as professionals working for others, have transmitted their needs to PROTURGA, through a transversal survey related to the Covid-19 crisis.

The document, which has already been sent to both the Galician Tourism Cluster and to the various competent administrations in the field of tourism, also includes the main fears of the sector, including how to deal with immediate expenses and the fear of contagion in current and potential markets during the year 2020. In the medium term, the fears are that there will be a loss of interest in Galicia as a destination.

Finally the document calls for the union of the sector, understanding that, at this time, the entire tourism value chain is stronger acting together, each and every one of the subsectors will boost the recovery.

Promoting Galicia as a tourist destination through its professionals.
During this crisis of the coronavirus, PROTURGA launched a new line aimed at dealing with it. In addition to this action of analyzing the needs of the sector, it is also executing a campaign of sensitization and promotion of the internal tourism for the moment in which the mobility is restored. The slogans that accompany this campaign are #EuCambioDeData #EuApoioOTurismoGalego and #EuViaxoPorGalicia, to promote that, once this stage of confinement is over, people will travel around Galicia and also for those who had reservations for this period to postpone them for other times instead of cancelling them.

Download the report

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