
The Xunta has earmarked 2 million euros for this call to modernise the tourism sector.


Tourist accommodation of different types (hotels, campsites, rural tourism houses, flats and tourist hostels) and restaurants are the establishments targeted by the new call for aid for modernisation launched by the Xunta through the Galician Tourism Agency and made public this week in the Official Journal of Galicia.


The 2022 call is endowed with a total budget of 2 million euros and each applicant will receive a maximum of 50,000 euros for actions such as improvements in accessibility, removal of architectural barriers, works to receive certifications such as the Q for Tourism Quality or upgrade, renovation of facilities, energy saving, beautification of the environment, digitisation of services and adaptation of security.


Applications must be submitted within one month of publication in the DOG at the Xunta’s electronic headquarters. The aim of this aid is to consolidate a quality and competitive tourist offer. This was highlighted by the first vice-president of the Xunta and Regional Minister of Presidency, Justice and Tourism, Alfonso Rueda, during his visit last Monday, the 7th, to the hotel La Noyesa, in O Grove, one of the 168 establishments that benefited from the 2021 call for applications. The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, who was also present during the visit, agreed with Rueda on the importance of modernising the sector.

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