The Meeting of Cluster Turismo Galicia was developed throughout the day around two presentations and three round tables, conceived with the objective of addressing the challenges and opportunities presented to this sector in the 2020 horizon. Such as the impact of tourism and the opportunities generated by sports and cultural events, the development of gastronomic and thermal tourism or the technological advances that offer new management and modernization opportunities for tourist establishments, while at the same time entail new adaptation challenges.

During the morning the representative of Amadeus, Fernado Puelles, was in charge of offering a series of brushstrokes of business opportunities that pose new technologies and the paradigm shift that has meant the irruption of the internet of things, too For tourism, recommending to the sector the need to adapt to survive. NBA vice president Jesús Bueno, meanwhile, addressed the enormous opportunities that sport events generate as seasonal elements of tourism throughout the year, emphasizing that fans of this type of events are really tourists.

Then a round table was opened focusing on thermal and wine tourism, as two of the great strengths of the Galician tourism sector. In this sense, the speakers emphasized the need not to share these tourists, betting on the creation of cross product as travelers are increasingly multi-experienced. In this sense Carles Martí, from Nextel, and Tono Franco, from Globaldit both stressed the need to weigh globally, to return to the authenticity of the product and in this sense, stressed that Galicia “has everything to be leaders, Take out chest “. Amaia López de Heredia, from Basque Culinary Center for her part, also emphasized that the gastronomic boom we live in is due, in large part, to “fit perfectly with the current traveler’s fisolofía, with sustainability, the search for authentic experiences, the ecological and of the search for the hedonist”.

Technology and Opportunities
The meeting continued in the afternoon with two round tables, one moderated by the manager of INORDE, José Manuel Rodríguez, who deepened in the sport subject with the contributions of experts such as Javier Guillén (Unipublic- Vuelta Ciclista a España), Carles Cantó (SPSG Consulting), Xan Gonzalez, Tourism of Galicia and Patricio Sánchez (University of Vigo). The last of the round tables addressed the technological changes that the sector has experienced in recent years and the new developments in the 2020 horizon. Moderated by the expert in innovation and new technologies, Enrique Lancis, the table was attended by Javier Reynoso, responsible for Pangea; Jorge Barreiro, tourism innovation head of Galicia, Elisa Martín, director of innovation at IBM and Sergio Vinay, responsible for public policies of the AirBnB platform for Spain and Portugal, which also allowed us to address the changes introduced by the collaborative economy.

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