• They will analyze possible solutions to the challenges identified by the sector in the diagnosis process carried out at the end of last year.
  • Through eight work tables, which will take place during the month of May.
  • The president of the Cluster and the director of the Tourism Agency participated this Thursday in the first of the tables, focused on the promotion and differentiation of destinations.

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia and the Xunta address the process of preparing the future Tourism Strategy of Galicia 2030 with the celebration of the first of eight planned work tables, which will bring together more than 100 professionals from the sector and experts to address possible measures to face the challenges of tourism.


The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, and the director of the Tourism Agency, Xosé Manuel Merelles, accompanied by the managing director of Galicia Calidade, Ana Méndez, opened the first of these meetings today, Thursday, May 2, in Santiago, focused on the promotion and differentiation of destinations, one of the lines identified in the diagnosis process that was developed at the end of last year. The remaining seven tables will be held throughout the month of May and will address the promotion of innovation and digitalization; improving internationalization; the promotion of territorial rebalancing and mobility; training and attracting talent; adaptation to climate change and sustainability; and business competitiveness.


The objective of these working groups, which will combine the knowledge of sector professionals and the perspective of experts, is to define possible solutions to the challenges previously identified under a comprehensive and balanced approach to development.


The future Tourism Strategy of Galicia 2030 is being developed with the mission of promoting authentic and sustainable tourism and with the commitment to preserve and enhance the cultural, natural, and social wealth of Galicia. The measures defined in the current development process seek to consolidate tourism as a growth factor in the economy, capable of positively impacting the local community and being perceived as such by the population.


More than 1,000 professionals from the sector participated in the diagnosis process prior to this phase, which made it possible to define the main challenges and concerns of professionals and businessmen who make up the Galician tourism sector.


Thursday May 2nd, 2024

The Cluster and the Xunta address the development of the 2030 Tourism Strategy with the help of more than 100 professionals and experts

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