In order to collect contributions from the Galician Tour Operators on possible promotional actions and new products that favour the recovery of the Galician tourist sector, once we have overcome the coronavirus crisis, the Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez, held a videoconference with different Galician Tour Operators in a meeting in which he was accompanied by the president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal. The meeting is part of the round of contacts that the Galician Government has with the various tourism agents to assess the current scenario and design actions to address its effects.

During a videoconference meeting with the heads of the companies Abramar, CN Travel, Interrías and Tele Travel, Román Rodríguez compiled the contributions of the main Galician tour operators in order to find out their needs and take them into account when implementing the various initiatives that will be launched to promote the recovery of the sector. In this sense, he stressed the need to maintain an intense public-private partnership to work side by side in the day after the health crisis, promoting measures to reactivate in the short, medium and long term.

Among the initiatives launched by the Galician Government in the field of tourism, the Plan for Tele-Training through the Galician Higher Centre for Hotel and Catering Business (CSHG) stands out, which aims to reach more than 2,000 people. This action aims to improve the skills of professionals in the sector through a dozen interactive lectures on aspects such as digital management, communication and marketing on line.

Tuesday April 7th, 2020

The Xunta defines with the Galician tour operators the measures to reactivate the sector and minimize the impact of the coronavirus crisis

In order to collect contributions from the Galician Tour Operators on possible promotional actions and new products that favour the recovery of the Galician tourist sector, […]
Thursday March 26th, 2020

The Xunta de Galicia has prepared a list of tourist accommodation available to displaced workers, people in transit or especially vulnerable during the coronavirus crisi

The tourist inspection shall ensure that the requirements and standards issued by the health authorities are respected at all times After the official closure of all […]
Friday March 20th, 2020

The Galician Tourism Cluster transfers to the Xunta complementary support measures for the Galician tourism sector

Tourism professionals consider it a priority to implement special measures to make taxes more flexible and to provide direct incentives to alleviate the hard blow that […]
Friday March 13th, 2020

The Galician tourism sector supports strict measures to minimize the impact of the coronavirus in Galicia

Representatives of the Galician tourism sector conveyed to the Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism their concern about the economic impact that this crisis will have […]