In order to help position the image quality of Galician tourism companies in the Mexican market, the Cluster Turismo Galicia will participate in the International Tourism Fair of Health and Welfare: TERMATALIA Mexico, representing the set of associated companies, and to be held from September 29 to October 1, 2016 in Arteaga / Saltillo (Coahuila – Mexico). Besides having a stand, during those days will be developed a series of promotional activities focused on this market as a participation in the Workshop with operators Tourism Mexico (both specialized in health tourism as a generalist), a presentation of the tourism product Galicia operators and travel agencies of Mexico, as well as specializing in Tourism and prescribers or presentation of joint initiatives between the CTG and the Cluster Thermal Mineral Water and Galicia. In addition several meetings with institutional agents, tour operators and agencies will continue. The main objective will be the identification, selection and attraction of potential commercial agents (issuers wholesale operators of Mexico) that could establish future business relationships with wholesalers receptive of Galicia, and therefore benefit all other firms in the chain (agencies travel, hotels, hotel-spa and other accommodation or catering establishments, golf courses, marinas etc.)

Cluster participation in this international event, Operation cofinanced put Deep developmental European Regional Operative Program FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 Program Galicia Exports Intermediate Organisms 2016, falls under the Internationalization Plan that is designing the cluster to encourage increased arrivals of foreign tourists to Galicia. So far the CTG has focused primarily on European markets but now also includes the promotion in America, in a diversification strategy that seeks to increase tourist flows arriving in Galicia. For this purpose, and the goal marked in achieving the goal of 5 million tourist arrivals to Galicia, the private sector requires a strategy to increase the flow from more distant markets and send visitors to Galicia but have potential to grow. Among the selected markets, which could increase its potential issuer is Mexico.

According to the Institute of Tourism Studies of Spain, Mexicans who have visited Spain during 2013 were 265,900 approximately half uina of stay of 16 days and an average expenditure per tourist of 2,410 € approximately, with an average daily expenditure of 149 € (2014).

Developmental European bottom Regional, a way to do Europe
The main objective of the Program Exports Intermediate Organisms 2016 is encouraged and stimulate the Galician external trade and the internationalization of the Galician SMEs. The result that intends is increased the base of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in the bought international.



Friday August 5th, 2016

Cluster Turismo Galicia will participate in promotional activities for its members in Termatalia Mexico

In order to help position the image quality of Galician tourism companies in the Mexican market, the Cluster Turismo Galicia will participate in the International Tourism […]
Thursday August 4th, 2016

Cluster Turismo Galicia lauches campaign to show off Galicia

The web and webapp Galicia Boasts born with the intention of showing the community from the contributions of hundreds of first-person experiences of Galicians and visitors […]
Tuesday August 2nd, 2016

Specifications governing the procurement of services “Technical assistance for the design, academic coordination and implementation of a training plan for improving the skills and qualifications of managers profiles of tourism in Galicia” with the collaboration Xunta de Galicia -Tourism Galicia

The end date of the deadline is August 12. Download the document
Tuesday August 2nd, 2016

Specifications governing hiring a service “Technical Assistance for the implementation of the project Galicia Family Destination” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia- Tourism Galicia

The end date of the deadline is August 12. Download the document