Feautured Activities

Following a technical assessment by the technical assistance of the Cluster Turismo de Galicia, accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the contest of ideas, the Executive approved 9 projects at the meeting held on June 7, 2016, amounting of € 208,389 VAT included. Note that the basis for project ideas competition stipulate that projects must reach at least 50 points to be executed by the CTG. However, because only one of the projects has a top score has been chosen to remove this restriction.

Furthermore, we have established the following criteria for approval by the Executive held on June 7, 2016 of the list of projects:
– Based on the score of the project amount requested by the score I obtained multiplied by the coefficient 1.5, divided by 100.

– Based on a correct estimate of cost increases by 20% on the difference between the amount requested and the maximum amount that may be requested based on the entities proposing the project. 10,000 euros for actions to be developed entirely in the interior provinces of Galicia.

The projects approved, with a corresponding amount, valuation and promoting entities are:

Project Promote by Número entities Amount request Score Amout based on Score Corrections Grant Proposal
GALICIA DESTINO TURISMO FAMILIAR CETs, Feprohos, Bahía, CENP, Interrías, AVIPO 6 59.991,80 € 53,5 48.143,42 € 48.143,42 €
PROMOCION MICE GALLEGO OPC, APCG, Hospeco,  Asehopo 4 60.000,00 € 44,5 40.050,00 € 40.050,00 €
OFERTA COMPLEMENTARIA TURISMO RURAL Fegatur, Mar de Ons, Illa de Ons, Guías, Asoc. Empr. Conc. Puertos Deportivos 5 28.035,69 € 41,5 17.452,22 € 6.392,86 € 23.845,08 €
CREACIÓN MARCA ENOTURISMO GALICIA Rutas Vino: Rias Baixas, Ribeiro, Monterei, Ribeira Sacra 4 60.000,00 € 33,0 29.700,00 € 29.700,00 €
COMPOSTELA DESTINO 5 ESTRELLAS Asociación de Compostela, Fundación Ciudad de la cultura 2 13.548,70 € 33,0 6.706,61 € 3.290,26 € 9.996,87 €
GALICIA ESCAPADAS ACTIVAS Agetan, Cetur, CNTravel 3 38.115,00 € 30,0 17.151,75 € 1.377,00 € 18.528,75 €
CREACIÓN DE CLUB DE PRODUCTO DE TURISMO ENOLÓGICO DE GALICIA Proturga y Gallaecia 2 30.000,00 € 23,0 10.350,00 € 10.350,00 €
CAMINO DE SANTIAGO TERMAL Balnearios y Expourense 2 30.000,00 € 22,0 9.900,00 € 9.900,00 €
AUDIOVISUAL CAMIÑOS SANTIAGO FED OURENSE Y APHL 2 30.000,00 € 17,5 7.875,00 € 10.000,00 € 17.875,00 €
TOTAL 349.691,19 € 187.328,99 € 21.060,12 € 208.389,12 €
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