Feautured Activities

  • The initiative, the result of collaboration between the Tourism Cluster, the Xunta and Expedia, was one of the measures in the Club’s Action Plan to enhance the brand.
  • Representatives of the companies participating in “Galicia Destino Sostible” participated this Wednesday, May 15, at the Mega Estrella Galicia Museum, in an event in which the challenges of sustainable tourism were addressed.

This Wednesday, May 15, the Galicia Tourism Cluster brought together the members of the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club in an event in which the work carried out so far was reviewed and future challenges were addressed. Among the milestones achieved in almost two years of experience, the results of the Club’s promotional campaign aimed at the US market in 2023, in collaboration with Turespaña, the Xunta de Galicia and Expedia, were highlighted, and which closed with a turnover of more of one million euros.


The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, and the director of Galicia Calidade, Ana Méndez, spoke at the opening of the meeting. Pardal wanted to thank the 90 companies participating in Galicia Destino Sostenible “for their involvement with the initiative, which already offers more than 150 products, and their commitment to sustainability, an investment in the future for your companies, for the sector and for our territory.” . The head of the Cluster pointed out that “we have the aspiration of turning the Club into the platform that integrates all the sustainable tourism offer of the Community and we are making good progress towards that objective.” For her part, Ana Méndez stated that “Galicia Calidade, in line with the club’s companies, supports sustainable initiatives that promote one of the key sectors of our economy.”


The day, which was held at the Mega Estrella Galicia Museum (A Coruña), focused on sustainable tourism and social responsibility with a seminar by Sergio Gil, president of the Sustainable Restaurants Foundation and with a round table moderated by Mayte Redondo (founder of the magazine Travel 2 Care People and Planet) focused on promoting social sustainability, and in which Sergio Gil himself participated; Mar Rodríguez, member of the Cluster and director of the travel agency Tee Travel; Pepe Formoso, director of the Bela Fisterra hotel and the Bela Muxía hostel, and president of the Professional Tourism Association of the Costa da Morte (APTCM); and Lolo Mosteiro; co-owner and head chef of the restaurant A Artesa da Moza Crecha.


The meeting also addressed the activities carried out within the framework of the Club’s Action Plan, such as the campaign aimed at the American market; familiarization and prescription trips with national and international media; or training and support activities for the S for Sustainability certification. In addition, the actions planned for this year were advanced, such as participation in different fairs and workshops; the launch of a new cooperation campaign with Turespaña, or training and certification advisory activities.


The event ended with the delivery of a communication kit to the participating companies and a free visit to the Estrella Galicia Museum with a printing masterclass at the end of the tour.


Wednesday May 15th, 2024

The ‘Galicia Sustainable Destine’ product club had a turnover of more than one million dollars in 2023, thanks to a campaign focused on the US market

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Tuesday September 26th, 2023

The Tourism Cluster brings the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ initiative to national and foreign travel agencies through a familiarization trip

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