Feautured Activities

A total of 10 Galician towns in the four provinces will host these training activities that the Cluster Tourism of Galicia offers free of charge

The plan includes a Management Development Programme to be held in Compostela

The ABanca Centre in Santiago hosted the official opening session of the IV Training Plan that the Galician Tourism Cluster (CTG) is launching for the next quarter and which will involve the deployment of more than twenty training actions to be developed in ten Galician towns in the four provinces. The program, whose contents will be taught free of charge after registration, seeks to improve the competitiveness of tourism professionals through quality in the provision and management of tourism activity, thus meeting one of the objectives set in the Strategy of Tourism of Galicia 2020, as highlighted by the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, who participated in the presentation day.

In this sense, Nava Castro highlighted the commitment of the government of the Xunta de Galicia to guarantee a professionalized sector that responds to the needs of the market, “making Galicia an increasingly appreciated and competitive destination, he explained. An objective that public administration and the sector fully share, promoting excellence in tourism services through training that is increasingly adapted, personalised and close to home.

The secretary of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia, Cesáreo Pardal, for his part, explained that, throughout these three previous editions of the CTG training plan, “we have managed to offer free training to more than 800 professionals in the sector and we are convinced that this year we will exceed one thousand people who have participated in one of our initiatives”, said that the head of Institutional Relations at IESIDE, Carlta Sánchez-Montaña, highlighted the free and wide range of topics and the territorial distribution of the training courses to be offered this coming quarter.
With this initiative in the training field, the Cluster Tourism of Galicia seeks to continue to deepen the qualification of the human teams of the Galician tourism sector, with special emphasis on the management of the companies, for which the Management Development Program has been conceived to be held in Santiago de Compostela over 100 hours of training on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the afternoon between the months of September, October and November.

Wide range of topics
Among the topics to be addressed by the different training actions are the global trends in the internationalisation of destinations, digital marketing, excellence in customer service, communication and conflict management skills, as well as the legal environment and the impact of the new Personal Data Protection Regulations. Some of these workshops will be given in different Galician towns such as Lalín, Pontevedra, Vigo, A Coruña, Sanxenxo, Monforte or in the Costa da Morte area, while others will be held exclusively in Santiago de Compostela.

Both this specific programme and the rest of the training activities in this edition will be carried out by the Instituto de Educación Superior Intercontinal de la Empresa (IESIDE), which will be staffed by a wide range of trainers with extensive experience in both training and sectoral experience, including the expert in Tourism Marketing, Javier Varela, which offered this morning as an opening masterclass entitled “Following the steps of the digital tourist”, as an official launch of the training plan and served to offer some brushstrokes on the importance of digital marketing applied to the tourism sector as well as on consumer trends and behavior that will mark this market in the coming years.

Full programme and registration

The complete calendar of conferences, workshops and seminars can already be consulted on the Cluster’s website via the link: https://clusterturismogalicia.comformacion-2018/, from where those interested can access each of the events and register for them, which is now open.


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