Feautured Activities

The agreements are part of the Galicia, Safe Destination programme and have been signed with various associations and bodies representing the Galician tourism sector, including members and the Galician Tourism Cluster itself

The initiative is completed with the launch of an online consulting service of the hand of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia directed to all the companies of the sector

It includes actions to promote rural tourism, adventure activities, congresses or wine tourism as well as reorienting travel agency products

The Council of the Xunta has approved the investment of 1.8 million euros for the rehabilitation and creation of new tourist products, health and hygiene training and advice companies in the Galician tourism sector, among other measures. This is a new line of action within the framework of the Galicia safe destination programme, which already has a total budget of 8 million euros to promote our Community as a reliable, quality destination. This new line of action will make it possible to promote actions in companies and individuals that The different sub-sectors are divided into four strategic axes: adapted training to health safety requirements (630,000 euros), the adaptation of formats The aim is to bring the existing tourism sector back to the current scenario (730,000 euros), the creation of new products and experiences (280,000 euros) and the implementation of an individualised business advice service for all companies in the sector (150,000 euros).

To undertake these actions, a total of 12 collaboration agreements have been signed with the entities representing the tourism value chain. Specifically, with the hotel and restaurant associations of the four provinces, rural tourism, wine tourism, congress tourism, active tourism, nature and adventure tourism, travel agencies, tour operators and professional tourism guides.

The agreement will provide support and advice adapted to companies in the sector to encourage their adaptation to the new scenario thanks to an agreement with the associations
provincial hotel and restaurant industry. Specifically, about 500,000 euros to develop nearly 400 online training actions with up to 40,000 places for companies and professionals on the required health and hygiene measures after the crisis. These training actions are complemented by those promoted by the Centro Superior de Hostelería de Galicia (CSHG) up to a total of 500
courses with a capacity of 50,000 places.

Tranquility, nature and landscape
Similarly, active tourism and rural tourism will be promoted, two modalities in boom by bringing together some of the elements most valued by users on the stage coronavirus like tranquility, nature or landscape. In which it respects tourism Through an agreement with the Galician Association of Active Tourism Companies (Agetan), an advisory service will be set up for all companies
of this sector in order to encourage its adaptation to the new protocols and will promote an online communication plan aimed at target audiences and markets within this segment. The rural tourism segment, on the other hand, will promote the training of companies in this branch in terms of safety and hygiene and a specialized consulting service will be promoted thanks to an agreement with the Galician Federation of Rural Tourism (Fegatur).

With the aim of continuing to promote food and wine, the green light was given to an agreement with the Associations of the Wine Routes of Galicia for the adaptation of the Platform Enotourism Galicia, created for the commercialization on line of experiences linked to the this modality, encouraging telematic reservations in a direct way, as well as other measures including promotional campaigns and support for health and hygiene measures.

The agreement with the Association of Professional Congress Organisers will aim to reactivate the Galicia MICE portal, focused on facilitating the location of resources for the promoters of congresses, events or meetings and the creation of a online that will allow the realization of virtual events. In addition, a fund will be activated to hire spaces and venues that will allow to encourage the organization of events in the Community.

Reorienting contracted packages 
Other subsectors that will benefit from the measures of this new line are travel agents and tour operators. In respect of the former, they will be promoted actions aimed at reorienting local tourism towards packages contracted abroad after the declaration of the state of alarm, favouring the reactivation and of domestic tourism, according to the agreement signed with the Association of Travel Agencies of Galicia (Agavi) by which 300,000 euros will be allocated for the implementation of an incentive of up to 10% of the amount of the package directed to those individuals who redirect the products contracted in compliance with the conditions. When offering new tourist packages to clients, priority will be given to some already consolidated programmes such as the Autumn Gastronomy, wine tourism or products created by geodestines. In addition, marketable tourist products will be created for between 400 and 2,000 euros aimed at families who will be able to pay in instalments within six to twelve months at no additional cost.

Ribeira Sacra, Mariña and Costa da Morte
As far as tour operators are concerned, the creation of new tourist packages will be promoted on the occasion of Xacobeo 2021, promoting escapes and experiences focused on enogastronomy, thermalism, nature or heritage thanks to an agreement with the Association of Incoming Tour Operators of Galicia. These products will also bet by strategic areas such as the Ribeira Sacra, the Mariña lucense, Costa da Morte or different roads, favouring the recovery of tourism and the diversification of flows.

Tourist guides and business advice
Similarly, programmes will be carried out to encourage and energize the school or group visits, encourage the creation of products that offer virtual tours and visits while improving the training and adaptation of professionals to the new health safety requirements. In this respect, thanks to a agreement with the Professional Association of Galician Tourist Guides will be launched on
new program A history at street level to promote school visits, the action Back to breathe in Galicia, focused on group visits and actions will be promoted to adapt the activity of the guides.

Consultancy service
The new Galicia safe destination line is completed with an online consulting service that provide tailored individual advice under a cluster agreement Tourism in Galicia. Specifically, a technical office will be created to resolve queries and personalized advice will be offered to all companies with headquarters in Galicia, regardless of whether they are partners or not.


Wednesday June 17th, 2020

Green light for 12 agreements with the Galician tourism sector that represent an investment of 1.8 million euros for the creation and adaptation of products and experiences

The agreements are part of the Galicia, Safe Destination programme and have been signed with various associations and bodies representing the Galician tourism sector, including members […]
Friday May 22nd, 2020

The Xunta and the tourist sector agree on a battery of 500 training, information and advice actions on health and hygiene

The agreement reached within the framework of the so-called “pact for a safe destination” includes 50,000 places for voluntary training and a telephone number to resolve […]
Friday March 20th, 2020

The Galician Tourism Cluster transfers to the Xunta complementary support measures for the Galician tourism sector

Tourism professionals consider it a priority to implement special measures to make taxes more flexible and to provide direct incentives to alleviate the hard blow that […]
Friday March 13th, 2020

The Galician tourism sector supports strict measures to minimize the impact of the coronavirus in Galicia

Representatives of the Galician tourism sector conveyed to the Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism their concern about the economic impact that this crisis will have […]