
The agreement reached between the central government, the Xunta and the Provincial Council will allow the development of the tourism sustainability plan.


The project to promote Ourense as a sustainable tourist destination taking advantage of its heritage and thermal potential and, at the same time, carry out a pilot experience that serves to promote other innovative strategies of local and rural development also based on the thermalism has just received an important boost. The central government, the Xunta de Galicia and the Provincial Council of Ourense have already signed the agreement to implement the Tourism Sustainability Plan in Ourense Termal endowing it with a financial contribution of just over 3 million euros, as stated in the Official State Gazette of 28 December.


Among the actions envisaged in this agreement are the construction in Ourense of the headquarters of the World Observatory of Thermalism, the implementation of a thermal ecobark, the creation of a thermal recreational-pedagogical mini-park, the marketing of products with the image of Ourense Termal, the development of programmes to improve competitiveness and training in the sector, the improvement of infrastructure, and the development of a tourism marketing plan with actions such as routes of thermal trails and familiarisation trips.


The agreement reached between the three administrations details that the Central Government as the Xunta will make contributions of 1,350,000 euros through, respectively, the Secretary of State for Tourism and the Galicia Tourism Agency, charged already to the year 2021, while the Provincial Council will complete the planned investment with two contributions for the years 2022 (amounting to 133,000 euros) and 2023 (the remaining 266,000 euros).

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