Termatalia Mexico – Coahuila be held at the Cultural Center of the Autonomous University of Coahuila between September 29 and October 1

Under the “naturally healthy” slogan, Termatalia, specializing in health tourism and wellness fair faces its third edition in America and the first in Mexico, held in the state of Coahuila between September 29 and October 1 . More than 200 exhibitors and professionals from 35 countries will gather in this meeting that will make the Mexican state in global epicenter of the sector. “Coahuila show the world how to do business,” said event director, Alejandro Rubin, who said that the fair will replicate the structure maintains its registered office in Ourense, thermal capital of Galicia.
The purpose of this fair is to promote the exchange of experiences between different continents from a corporate, institutional and socially enabling an overall perspective of promoting the strategic market of Thermal Tourism and Welfare sector worldwide, while also establish scientific and commercial links between the European and American continent. Furthermore, exhibiting companies and entities reflect the cast of actors involved, from the collection of water resources to marketing the tourist destination, through design, construction and management of spas, promoting and thus promoting “Water Culture “.

Gourmet, tasting water …
The fair has three major driving forces points, such as the Thermal Center, which recreates the different areas and facilities that offer such facilities equipped with the latest technologies; Bar Water, offering free tasting packaged in different countries to encourage consumption and indications for health waters and, finally, fairgoers can enjoy a treatment in the area Relax and Wellness, managed by Lationamericana Spa Association.
This year, Termatalia also have a space dedicated to sustainable food from which to promote healthy habits. The Healthy Eating Area will feature daily gastronomic exhibitions by chefs from Spain, Mexico, Argentina or Costa Rica.

One of the main actions will be the bag Tourist Recruitment will concentrate 27 tour operators from Europe and America, which will develop working agenda with tourism destinations health and wellness participating in Termatalia, and especially of Mexico, Coahuila, and Galicia ( Spanish region of origin of the project).
Professionals and companies wishing to participate in this unique event can apply for accreditation at the official web www.termatalia.com. In the same way the organization has enabled an official APP free download in which users will find all the information and may also request meetings with exhibiting companies.

International Meeting on Water and Cures
Parallel to Termatalia is held every year the International Meeting on Water and Cures, which starts on Wednesday and 28. This is a series of forums and technical seminars that address the sector from a multidisciplinary perspective (tourism, medical, environmental, legal economic, etc.). This edition will bring together 48 experts from 15 countries. It develops in three days and is divided into four thematic blocks: the Conference on Tourism, Innovation and Sustainability; Scientific Meeting on Medical Hydrology and Hydrotherapy; Session on Business Management Spa, Thalassotherapy and Thermal or Thermal Cities Meeting. This program is complemented by a wide range of training courses given by renowned international experts and aimed at different professionals such as doctors, hoteliers, travel agents, managers of spas and spa, therapists, etc.

For these actions, Termatalia, and the support of the Government of Coahuila, has the support of the Galician Institute of Economic Promotion of the Xunta de Galicia, Tourism Galicia, Ourense City Council and the County Council of Ourense.


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