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The interlocutor of the Galician tourism sector emphasizes that the new legislation introduces valuation criteria based on the quality of services and flexible metrical parameters

At the expense of its publication in the DOGA, Xunta de Galicia finally approved this week the new rules that will regulate the hotels, a decree from the Tourism Cluster Galicia is valued positively by the introduction, for the first time, criteria for quality perception by the user as well as a significant easing in the metric parameters.
It also is the first of the regulations has evolved during fluid communication between the public administration and industry, due to Cluster Turismo Galicia. “For the development of this new legislation, which introduces important advances in the assessment of services against the rigidity of the square meters, Xunta has listened to the sector and introduce new endpoints . Is a very important step for us as a group, “says the president of the Cluster Turismo Galicia, Francisco González.
The main new of this legislation is the introduction of a grading system for points to take account infrastructure and compliance with mandatory minimum for all establishments of the same category, and secondly , services provided by establishments, offered free choice of the holders thereof.
This new system involves the introduction of parameters of quality of service in the categorization of establishments through the assessment of aspects such as comfort, furniture and equipments of the rooms, access to supplementary services, catering services, telecommunications services, etc. .
In this new system of ranking points they are measured both the importance of the perception of quality for consumers and users, as the minimum requirements have to be met throughout the Galician territory, appropriate to the general industry standards. It also includes the possibility of improving the competitiveness of establishments, through a flexible classification system with a space that allows business innovation in our territory.
Harmonization with other regulations
In addition, elements of flexibility are introduced in the metric rigidity of the surfaces required in order to facilitate the rehabilitation of buildings, the preservation of historical and artistic heritage and an adequate adaptation of the standard trying to harmonize both with the other standards of other autonomous communities as those of our immediate environment, especially with European standards.
With the launch of this new regulation, which will take place after its publication in the DOGA – expected next week- the hotels will be grouped into two groups, hotels and pensions. In turn, the category includes several subcategories hotels hotels, apartment hotels, motels and two new subcategories: thalasso spa hotels and hotels.
Manteined classification by stars
Regardless of the type to which they belong, all the hotels will continue benefiting from the system of star ratings, except for motels, which are classified into a single category must meet at least the conditions that correspond to a two star hotel. Are also welcome to the star rating pensions, grouped into three categories one, two and three stars. Categories of one, two, three, four and five stars will have, besides, the higher rating.
As regards pensions, the legislation includes that may be called Hostal those pensions that these two three meet the requirements of the Decree. The name of Posada shall be subject to approval by Tourism Galicia, still must fulfill a number of requirements, including the establishment is classified at least as a two star superior hotel.
The decree has decided to maintain the classification of stars according to their international recognition as it is considered that tourists still associate the number of stars awarded in each hotel with a certain level of quality facilities and services.

See the decree here

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