Feautured Activities

The professionals belonging to 35 travel agencies in Salamanca had meetings with other businessmen from the Galician tourism sector

The IBB Recoletos Coco Hotel in Salamanca hosted yesterday the I Workshop of Destination Proximity of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia, an initiative that had the participation of more than a hundred professionals of the tourism sector Castilian and Galician who held B2B meetings to bring closer The Galicia Destination to Castile and Leon. In addition to the professionals, the initiative promoted by the Tourism Cluster of Galicia was attended by the Director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, and representatives of the city council of Salamanca, Diputación de Salamanca, Chamber of Commerce and Businessmen’s Association of Hoselería of the city, among others.

Throughout the day, the 35 Galician companies that traveled to Salamanca held individual meetings with each of the more than 70 professionals of the sector, belonging to 35 travel agencies in the city. In addition, the presence of the Director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, also served to expose the new Strategic Plan of Tourism of Galicia in the 2020 horizon while taking advantage of its participation to explain the strengths of Galicia for a potential audience that is Is so close to our territory emphasizing the diversity of the Galician tourist offer concentrated in a small geographic space. In this sense, the president of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia, Francisco González, said that “if you want thermal tourism, gastronomy, landscapes or beaches, you want Galicia”, the motto with which this working day was presented.

Salamanca has been the first stop chosen for this format of promotion of the Galicia Destination in the national market, with the aim of bringing the Galician tourist offer to national destinations that meet the perfect conditions to be issuers of national tourism to the Galician territory. The day ended with a dinner and musical animation and delivery of a series of incentive awards to participating agencies consisting of accommodation in Galicia.

Thursday June 8th, 2017

More than a hundred professionals of the sector participate in the First Workshop of proximity of the Clúster Turismo Galicia

The professionals belonging to 35 travel agencies in Salamanca had meetings with other businessmen from the Galician tourism sector The IBB Recoletos Coco Hotel in Salamanca […]
Tuesday June 6th, 2017

Cluster Turismo Galicia will boost this year eight destination marketing projects

The list of projects was approved by the annual assembly of CTG partners, which also took note of the 2017 budget and ratified the accession of […]
Monday May 22nd, 2017

The Cluster Turismo Galicia will be present in the VII Tourism Fair of Galicia, Turexpo

Cluster Turismo Galicia will be present at the VII Tourism Fair of Galicia, Turexpo, which will take place in the premises of the International Fair of Galicia […]
Saturday May 20th, 2017

Workshop on Galician tourism in Salamanca

With the aim of publicizing the Galician tourist offer in nearby destinations, the Cluster Turismo Galicia is organizing a first day of presentation of the sector […]