Feautured Activities

Tour operators from Asturias and Castilla y León held professional meetings with more than 40 Galician businessmen

Promoted by the Cluster Tourism of Galicia in collaboration with Tourism of Galicia, they were held in nearby destinations to bring the Galician tourism offer closer to the national tourism issuing points.

A total of 185 professionals from the tourism sector in Galicia, Asturias and Castilla y León attended the second edition of the Proximity Workshops held this Wednesday and Thursday in Oviedo and Valladolid. Promoted by the Cluster Tourism of Galicia, in collaboration with Tourism of Galicia, the two days of work were used by 40 Galician businessmen to hold professional meetings with as many Asturian and Castilian companies, including the main travel agencies and tour operators in Oviedo and Valladolid. Both cities were the two destinations chosen this year by the Cluster Tourism of Galicia to publicize Galicia as a destination of proximity among professionals in the national tourism sector.

In both cities, the Tourism Cluster of Galicia organised a meeting with the professionals of the tourism sector of these territories with the aim of bringing the Galician tourism offer closer to national destinations that meet the perfect conditions to be emitters of national tourism towards the Galician territory and that can consider choosing Galicia as the perfect destination for a weekend. “This type of scheduled meeting allows professionals from the Galician tourism sector to generate new synergies with other tour operators, promote products or services or strengthen networking”, explained the president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Franciscon González.

Consolidating a cooperative working initiative
Under the slogan “Galicia, más cerca de ti” (Galicia, closer to you), the Destination of Proximity Workshops are now in their second edition, after the first one that took place last year in Salamanca. And they do so with the support of Turismo de Galicia, whose director of Tourism, Nava Castro, had the opportunity to see first-hand its development, participating in the day on Wednesday in Oviedo. Both the director and the sector itself stressed the importance of continuing to invest in joint promotion initiatives, both with the public administration and with the tourism sector as a whole.

Friday June 1st, 2018

Nearly 200 professionals attended the workshops of the Tourism Cluster in Oviedo and Valladolid

Tour operators from Asturias and Castilla y León held professional meetings with more than 40 Galician businessmen Promoted by the Cluster Tourism of Galicia in collaboration […]
Thursday May 24th, 2018

A hundred Galician tourism companies bet on active tourism to boost their offer

The Cidade da Cultura hosted a workshop to raise awareness of the brand Galicia Destino Activo and promote synergies between companies The tourist products generated in […]
Monday May 14th, 2018

The Cluster of Tourism of Galicia invites the sector to participate in the creation of new tourism products to promote them through the brand Galicia Active Destination

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia, through the brand GALICIA DESTINO ACTIVO, seeks to involve all tourism companies in Galicia in their actions for 2018. To this […]
Monday March 12th, 2018

Galicia was put as an example of successful regulation of tourist housing in a forum held at the ITB Berlin

The CTG concluded its fourth trade mission in Germany with fifty professional meetings held The Galician Tourism Cluster, under the guidance of its secretary, Cesáreo Pardal, […]