Feautured Activities

The initiative, promoted by the Galicia Tourism Cluster, was presented on 11 July with the support and funding of the Xunta de Galicia.


The first companies to join Galicia Destino Sostible are eligible for funding for the creation of new sustainable tourism products thanks to a line of aid of more than 300,000 euros.


The deadline for applications will be open until 30 September and requests will be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis.


Another six companies have joined the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club. Last week, the Club’s evaluation committee gave the go-ahead for the incorporation of these new entities, including accommodation, agencies and complementary tourism providers, which will shortly publish their offers on the website www.galiciadestinosostible.com.


The new member companies are Ruteart, Praxxis inclusión cooperativa galega, Hotel O Semáforo de Fisterra, Camping Paisaxe II, MEGA Mundo Estrella Galicia and Tee Travel, which are added to the thirteen already integrated during the month of July: Rodeiramar ApartamentosSiente GaliciaAlbarariHotel Bela FisterraCasa de CacheiroClub Náutico de PortonovoHotel Bosque MarSIMPLY GALICIALORYGAR SL (A Quinta da Auga), Viajes Tambre, S.L.Ribeira Sacra Leisure & Lodging. Casa das XaciasAlecrin Actividades y aventura, and Atlantis Adventure Turismo Activo S.L.

At least 15 others have already shown interest in joining the Tourism Product Club, which aims to act as a hub that integrates the entire sustainable tourism offer of Galicia.


The Galicia Tourism Cluster presented this initiative on 11 July to promote sustainable tourism in Galicia and make the destination a benchmark in this field at national and international level. Galicia Destino Sostible has the support and funding of the Xunta, through an agreement signed between the Galicia Tourism Agency and the Cluster.


Any Galician company belonging to the subsectors categorised as accommodation, restaurants, travel agencies and suppliers of complementary tourism offerings that meet the requirements can join the new product club. Companies that already have an official sustainability certification (S of the ICTE, Biosphere, Green Key, EU Ecolabel, Green Globe21, Travellife, Rainforest Alliance Certified, Green Star of the MICHELIN Guide, etc.) or an environmental certification (ISO 14000, EMAS, etc.) may join the club directly, as these are considered qualifying requirements. Companies that do not have any of these certifications may also join the club as long as they comply with 100% of the mandatory requirements and at least 33% of those considered assessable.


The initiative offers a line of aid to the Galician tourism sector of 312,000 to encourage companies to create new sustainable tourism products. This financial aid will be granted by the Cluster to the first companies to create a tourism product in Galicia Destino Sostible, as requests will be dealt with in strict order of application and will be formalised through the signing of a sponsorship contract.


In addition to financing, other advantages of belonging to the new product club include promotion, training and networking. Galicia Destino Sostible will connect tourists and companies through its website (www.galiciadestinosostible.com), facilitating access to the entire sustainable tourism offer in Galicia and acting as a guarantee, not only of sustainability, but also of quality.

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