
The Galicia Tourism Cluster signed an agreement this afternoon with the Department of Social Policy of the Xunta de Galicia

The Galicia Tourism Cluster signed an agreement this afternoon with the Department of Social Policy by which this entity that represents companies in the tourism sector in Galicia adheres to the Xunta Xove Card program.
The commitment was signed by the Regional Minister for Social Policy, Fabiola García, and by the president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, in a ceremony that took place this afternoon at the Meliá María Pita Hotel in A Coruña.
So far, more than 60 tourism companies, including travel agencies, hotels or service and experience providers, have already expressed their intention to join the discount program. All people in the European Union between 12 and 30 years old who have the Youth Card can benefit from them.
There are currently 40 countries adhering to the European Youth Card program. In Spain, all the Autonomous Communities have this card. The purpose of the card is to provide its holders with access to different goods and services through discounts and other advantages, which are offered by collaborating establishments and entities that adhere to the program.
The Galician establishments that adhere through the Galicia Tourism Cluster will offer discounts on their services, most of them between 10 and 15 percent. The establishments will place in a visible place an approved sticker that identifies them as adhering to the program. In addition, they will state this condition in their advertising media.
For its part, the Department of Social Policy of the Xunta de Galicia will publish the list of establishments and discounts in the “Dixital Guide do Carné Xove” accessible from the web and give them promotion as members of the program.
During the presentation, the president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster highlighted the important role that young people will play in the process of tourism recovery after the pandemic. He also indicated that young people are a public of enormous interest to Galicia, which includes activities and experiences of active tourism and in contact with nature in its offer. He stressed that the Camino de Santiago also has a growing appeal for young people.

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