
César Ballesteros, secretary of the entity, participated in a virtual meeting on the digitalisation of the sector.


The Cluster Turismo de Galicia has been present in the workshop for the digitalization of the sector organized through the Internet by Ineo, the Association of Technology Companies of Galicia. César Ballesteros, secretary of the Cluster, was in charge of presenting a paper in which he explained the strategy being carried out by the entity and the future challenges of the sector in the field of digitisation.


Ballesteros recalled in his speech that the Cluster is a private, non-profit entity that brings together nearly fifty associations and more than twenty companies with the aim of promoting the Galicia brand as a differentiated tourist destination on a global scale. Among the fields in which the organisation is working, he highlighted the promotion of Galicia as a destination in areas such as active tourism, family tourism and wine tourism.


With regard to the future challenges of the sector, Ballesteros referred to sustainability, emphasising Galicia’s capacity to be a place of reference in terms of nature, and to the promotion and deepening in the field of internationalisation. The need to work in the area of innovation and creativity when creating a tourism product, as well as the establishment of synergies between culture and tourism, and the promotion of quality to attract visitors with a higher purchasing power are other issues that the Cluster Secretary highlighted in his speech.

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