The Paris Expo Expo Porte de Versailles venue will host the 42nd edition of the World Tourism Fair until Sunday, March 19, an event that brings together about 200 exhibitors and which will be attended by a Galician delegation from the hand of Tourism of Galicia and in Thanks to the collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago de Compostela. The mission is made up of entrepreneurs of the hotels Val do Naseiro, Hotel San Lorenzo, Lux and Ciudad de Compostela, the rural tourism house Casa da Meixida and the shipping company Nabia, in addition to the council of Tourism of Vigo. The initiative is part of the GDP Plan co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF 2014-2020 Operational Program, to foster internationalization and achieve a more competitive business fabric.

During the four days of the fair, participants will have the opportunity to get in touch with French tour operators, as well as others from different regions of the world. Africa is one of the most popular destinations in this edition of the fair, very oriented towards the natural destination and the outdoor activities. In addition, the fair hosts exhibitors linked to cities, trends, innovation, wine tourism, cruises, education and languages ​​and accessible tourism.

Thursday March 16th, 2017

Galician participation in the World Salon of Paris

The Paris Expo Expo Porte de Versailles venue will host the 42nd edition of the World Tourism Fair until Sunday, March 19, an event that brings […]
Thursday March 16th, 2017

More than 23 thousand people gathered at ExpoCoruña to enjoy activities and exhibition space of the Gastronomic Forum

Satisfaction of public and organization of the event, which has increased exhibition space in the third Forum that passes in A Coruña More than 23,000 people […]
Wednesday March 8th, 2017

Clúster Turismo de Galicia participates for the third year in the ITB Berlin with a commercial mission formed by 25 associates

The delegation, traveling together with the Director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, moves to one of the most important trade fairs for the tourism sector […]
Tuesday February 28th, 2017

The Galician ornithological resources were present in the FIO of Extremadura

Turismo de Galicia attended this specialized fair with its own stand For the seventh consecutive edition, Tourism of Galicia presented the ornithological resources with which it […]