
Hotel and catering establishments will be able to opt for a total of 6 million euros in subsidies through this call from the Galician Tourism Agency.


From tomorrow, Galician companies in the hotel and catering sector will be able to access the call for applications for aid for the purchase of post-covid equipment opened by the Galician Tourism Agency and subsidised by the EU within the framework of its pandemic response programmes. As published in the Diario Oficial de Galicia (Official Journal of Galicia) of October 6th, this line of aid is endowed with a total of 6 million euros and each beneficiary will be eligible for a grant of 90% of the planned investment, up to a maximum of 50,000 euros.


The following items are among the expenses that may be subsidised under this call for proposals: domotic systems, distance control, process optimisation, air renewal, air conditioning, automatic ckeck-in systems, signage, CO2 meters, ionisers, dispensers, packaging and single-use materials, reforms aimed at creating spaces that suggest more space, disinfection processes carried out by external companies on the occasion of covid, new equipment for sanitisation, washing and new products, presentations and conservation methods, and multi-service equipment. This expenditure must be incurred between January 1st and November 20th of this year.


The list of companies eligible for this aid includes hotels, hostels, rural houses, tourist hostels and other types of accommodation, as well as restaurants, bars and other catering establishments. Applicants must be registered in the Xunta de Galicia’s Register of Tourism Businesses and Activities and the deadline for submitting applications is one month from the day after the publication of the resolution in the DOG.


More information at

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