
Palexco. ExpoCoruña and Vigo Convention Bureau participated at IMEX Frankfurt

A representation of MICE Galician sector was given appointment this week at the IMEX fair in Frankfurt, one of the most important in the field of business tourism professional appointments. From 19 to 21 April, responsible for ExpoCoruñaPalexco and  Vigo Convention Bureau, accompanied by representatives of Tourism of A Coruña go together with Tourism Galicia for present in this space promotion in order to raise awareness of Galicia as an ideal destination for tourism congresses and incentives.

Among the activities taking place in this event highlighted the work meetings with leading European tour operators tourism-related meetings, presentations to media and professionals through the act “Night of Spain” and the exhibition space Tourism Galicia allow to publicize the Galician offer linked to the congresses as other scenic, gastronomic hoteleira infrastructure or resources.

Frankfurt IMEX has become an essential event for the MICE sector, an issue that has exceeded 3,500 exhibitors from 150 countries and visited by more than 9,000 professionals linked to the sector.

Thursday April 21st, 2016

Galicia is promoted in Frankfurt as a destination for MICE tourism

Palexco. ExpoCoruña and Vigo Convention Bureau participated at IMEX Frankfurt A representation of MICE Galician sector was given appointment this week at the IMEX fair in Frankfurt, one […]
Wednesday April 20th, 2016

Galician tourism sector closes the best first quarter of the last 15 years

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Wednesday April 20th, 2016

Revitalization project of the Blue Trail Network

The Council of Pontevedra has launched a project to boost Network Blue Trails, which integrates the trails that link beaches and marinas with Blue Flag in […]
Wednesday April 20th, 2016

O Camiño dos Faros at 360 degrees

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