
Xunta has published the rules that will govern the call for the granting of aid for the certification, follow-up or renewal of the Q of Quality, granted by the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE). The aid is aimed at rural tourism establishments, hotels, apartments and tourist houses, campsites, travel agencies, catering services (cafeterias, bars and restaurants) and complementary tourist services companies.

The aid will be granted on competitive basis, have the deadline for application until 27 June. Eligible concepts are the external audit of certification, monitoring and / or renewal and the rights to use the Q mark in 2017.

In order to qualify for these grants, it is necessary to be an SME and to be registered in the Register of Companies and Tourist Activities of the Xunta de Galicia (REAT). For more information you can visit Axencia Turismo de Galicia website:, at the telephone numbers 981 54 63 63 and 981 54 63 64 or via the mail:

Monday May 29th, 2017

Open term to apply for aid for the certification or renewal of Quality Q

Xunta has published the rules that will govern the call for the granting of aid for the certification, follow-up or renewal of the Q of Quality, […]
Friday May 26th, 2017

Rías Baixas Wine Route increases its list of partners with the City Council of Barro

The president, Juan Gil de Araujo, and the mayor of Barro, Xosé Manuel Fernández, formalized today the agreement of adhesion by which the municipality of Pontevedra […]
Thursday May 25th, 2017

The CSHG hosts the fourth day of the Gira Hoteleria to talk about hotel distribution

Compostela will host next May 31 the fourth forum of the Gira Hoteleria, an initiative directed to the hotel sector where important companies of the sector […]
Tuesday May 23rd, 2017

The player Nikos Galis, protagonist of the 3rd edition of the Way ends in Obradoiro

The initiative will give visibility to the English Way between 21 and 25 May The Rio Natura Monbus Obradoiro  bets on the combination of sport and […]