
The weekend of May closed in Galicia with a disparate occupation that we can place between 60 and 80% and in which time was not finally a favorable ally to pull the occupations upwards, especially in the domestic market and proximity. As usual in the Cluster’s estimates, these are based on small surveys among the members, which allows us to have a more qualitative than quantitative estimate, as far as the universe of the survey is concerned.

Thus, based on the assessments provided by representatives of the sector, mainly hoteliers, information has been obtained on the results in terms of occupancy and prices, which place us in figures similar to those for Easter. If we focus the focus simply on the weekend, specifically on Saturday night, the figure rises in some cases to around 90% and even close to full. On the other hand, as regards price, the information varies depending on the origin of the companies interviewed, but the general trend reflects that these were maintained or have experienced slight increases.

By provinces we can establish that in A Coruña there have been registered figures of occupation of 75-80%, reaching in some cases 100% on Saturday night. The fact that it is a bridge, together with the celebration of the Sports-Barcelona match, has allowed us to reach higher indicators than any other weekend. With respect to the rates, they have increased between 2 and 3 euros, although in some cases there are increases of more than 10 euros per room.
In Santiago de Compostela there are very good occupations on Saturday night, over 85%, although the overall figure of the bridge is reduced to 60-65%. The price has not changed significantly.
In the province of Lugo, employment figures reflect the dynamics experienced throughout the community, with data of 85-90% for Friday and Saturday nights, with the indicator for Sunday and Monday nights falling to around 75%.
From the province of Ourense, the weather is targeted as a handicap although the establishments consulted in the capital of Burgas talk about data close to full for Friday and Saturday nights, slightly lowering the figure on Sunday. The rates did not change significantly.
On the other hand, the overall occupancy rate of the province of Pontevedra was around 60% for the present bridge, with price increases of 2-3%.
Finally, the rural lodgings manage a percentage of 30% of occupation, also taking into account the 4 days, with rates similar to those of Easter.

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