Working day

Beonprice responsible, ParityRate and the Hotel Technological Institute will attend the II Cluster Turismo Galicia Meeting

Organized in collaboration with the Provincial de Pontevedra, the Second Meeting Cluster Tourism Galicia dedicated to tourism marketing Galician sector will devote much of its space to the analysis of new technologies at the same time, new challenges and opportunities in improving marketing our tourism products.
Thus the day devoted one of its round to review examples of technological applications to improve tourism marketing, a table will be moderated by Juan Daniel Nunez, the head of one of the publications for the sector editor tables, especially in with regard to marketing and new tecnolgías, TecnoHotel, the first Spanish magazine specializing in tourism and hotel marketing.
Along with it will be present at the roundtable Ruben Sanchez, CEO of Beonprice, the Spanish company of reference of revenue management, one big solution data that can collect information from hundreds of agents change their hosting offers on and off line minute minute. Currently more than a thousand hotels in 14 countries use this technology.
The sales manager for Spain of ParityRate, Maria Jose Vargas, along with Patricia Miralles, Head of Innovation Technological Institute (ITH), complete an essential table to understand how it has changed in a few years running marketing tourism. Some changes in the consolidation channel Manager has been fundamental. In this sense it could not miss the ParityRate table, a fundamental tool for the online management of hotels and whose technology has democratized somehow access all types of hotels managers channel, allowing the unification of all channel management distribution, overturning the reservation information received to the hotel management program in real time.
Finally the table is completed with the presence of ITH hand of his Head of Innovation, which is responsible for analyzing trends, technology foresight, and management of R + D + i ,. Patricia Miralles also is coordinator of the Technology Platform Tourism- Thinktur, and participate in various committees and working groups related to technology, innovation and entrepreneurship so that their views and contributions are undoubtedly of great interest to all participants.

Friday March 4th, 2016

Big data, channel manager, parity, … new technologies will occupy one of the round tables of our # Jornada5millones

Beonprice responsible, ParityRate and the Hotel Technological Institute will attend the II Cluster Turismo Galicia Meeting Organized in collaboration with the Provincial de Pontevedra, the Second Meeting […]
Friday February 26th, 2016

The Second Meeting of Cluster Turismo Galicia will focus on destination marketing

The conference, whose registration period is already open, will be held in the Auditorio Mar de Vigo on March 17 Marketing tourist destination is one of the […]
Wednesday February 24th, 2016

OPC active participation of Galicia in national congress of professional congress organizers (PCO)

OPC Galicia attended the celebration of the National Congress of OPC Spain, which was held in Burgos between 18 and 20 February. OPC involvement Galicia in […]
Wednesday January 13th, 2016

Turismo de Galicia e Amtega presentan Turespazo, que entra en período de consultas e avaliación por parte do sector turístico galego

Turismo de Galicia e a Axencia para a Modernización Tecnolóxica de Galicia (Amtega), presentaron ao Clúster de Turismo de Galicia a nova plataforma de xestión e […]