Working day

Promoted by the Galp of the Rias Baixas, the meeting is held on 24 and 25 September as part of the cooperation project Mar das Illas

The Local Action Groups of the Fishing Sector (GALP) Ría de Pontevedra, Ría de Arousa and Ría de Vigo-A Guarda promote the celebration of the I International Conference on Marine Tourism and Fishing in the context of the Mar das Illas cooperation project. The conference consists of two sessions: the first, on 24th, in which a congress will be held in the Pazo da Cutura in Pontevedra and which can be attended in person by up to 30 people, all of whom are participants in the Mar das Illas project, and a second session, on 25th, which will consist of a guided tour of the National Maritime-Terrestrial Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia.

The aim of the day is to provide a vision of the state of marine tourism and fishing activities at national and European level, bringing examples of projects that are being developed, as well as making visible the path taken by the project Mar das Illas. In addition, the symposium will also serve as a meeting point and debate for people involved in the development of marine tourism and fisheries in a conference in which various professionals in marine tourism and staff from different administrations at regional, national and European levels will participate. Although only about thirty people will participate in the visit to the Atlantic Islands, the congress will be able to be followed via streaming, prior registration.

The Mar das Illas cooperation project
In addition to the three GALPs, the Mar das Illas cooperation project has the collaboration of the Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia (PNMTIAG), the Provincial Federation of Fishermen’s Guilds of Pontevedra and the Mar Seguro de Galicia association. Its objective is to promote marine tourism and fishing tourism among the group of sailors in the Rías Baixas of Galicia, especially in the area of the PNMTIAG, through their training as accredited marine tourism guides in the area of the National Park. In fact, over the course of the different phases of the project, 150 sea professionals have been trained as Accredited Guides in Marine Tourism and Fishing in the area of the National Park. Besides, different training manuals, action protocols and Good Practice Codes were elaborated, and several dissemination conferences were carried out, with experts in the field.

Six pilot projects
Mar das Illas is now in a third phase in which, in addition to training, a further step has been taken, with personalized tutoring for all the professionals who decided to undertake the activity. In addition, of the set of projects presented, six have been chosen to implement them, three of tourism on foot and three of fishing tourism, with the aim of testing and evaluating the planned activities as well as the protocols established for public service, security, Covid-19, and integration of functional diversity and that, little by little, will be made known to the public through different activities.

Registration Form


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