The tourist inspection shall ensure that the requirements and standards issued by the health authorities are respected at all times

After the official closure of all tourist establishments that comes into effect from this Thursday, March 26, the Xunta de Galicia has enabled a list of 157 tourist accommodations that will have the possibility of remaining open and available to people affected by the coronavirus crisis as displaced workers who provide essential services, groups of special social vulnerability, such as the homeless, socially excluded and victims of gender violence, or citizens in transit. Through this initiative, the Xunta offers an alternative to the 829 people affected by the closure of tourist establishments adopted by the central government, which, in turn, also enabled a list of 37 “on-call” tourist establishments, distributed throughout the territory.

Thus, the order approved by the Xunta to provide service to people affected by the coronavirus crisis once the closure was decreed, allows the regional administration to increase this initial list of 37 establishments to 157 in total, distributed by 63 Galician municipalities with the aim of continuing to provide service to those people from affected groups who, at the time of the declaration of the state of alarm, had been staying in a stable manner in compliance with the recommendations of the health authorities. The people housed in these establishments will have space and the necessary equipment to carry out the services of first necessity. The personnel of the Xunta’s inspection service will ensure that the establishments respect the requirements and comply with the rules at all times.

Under no circumstances may these establishments be used by persons who had decided to leave their places of origin after the state of alarm was declared on 14 March for a reason not covered by Royal Decree 463/2020.

In 63 town halls throughout the Community
The accommodation is distributed throughout the territory and covers different types of accommodation, all of which are offered voluntarily by those responsible for them. It is also worth mentioning that for the management of reservations and doubts about accommodation, the telephone number 986447060 and the address are available, a specialized company in charge of giving support to the accommodation demand during these weeks. Likewise, all the information will be available on the website of Turismo de Galicia.

Consult the list of open tourist establishments

Consult the website of the Consellería de Cultura e Turismo about the coronavirus


Thursday March 26th, 2020

The Xunta de Galicia has prepared a list of tourist accommodation available to displaced workers, people in transit or especially vulnerable during the coronavirus crisi

The tourist inspection shall ensure that the requirements and standards issued by the health authorities are respected at all times After the official closure of all […]
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In January, Galician tourism grew six points above the national average

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Monday February 3rd, 2020

Almost 11 million nights and 5.12 million travellers, final balance of hotel and extrahotel occupancy in Galicia in 2019

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