
The headquarters of the Atlantic Islands National Park in Vigo hosts the first Scientific Tourism Conference on November 30 under the title “New approaches to tourism in cities and natural areas. Innovation in traditional sectors “, an initiative that aims to approach from an innovative perspective the scientific dissemination as a transversal element of tourism. Through a series of lectures by leaders of tourist destinations, disseminators, university professors and experts on the subject, the day will serve to approach how scientific knowledge can be brought closer to society through the structures of the tourism sector and, Likewise, how the tourism sector must cope with changes in consumption habits and tourism demand to offer sustainable, specific and quality products that meet the demands of the new traveler.

Merger of knowledge and dissemination

The aspect offered by scientific tourism is precisely oriented to satisfy these new demands, fostering a scientific culture in society while promoting formulas of dissemination of knowledge based on activities that depart from mass tourism. They are activities that allow the visitor’s approach and knowledge of their environment, from the perspective of the scientific observer, facilitating the sensitization with the environment.

Science, dissemination and tourism are the bases on which this new tourist modality is based, still incipient, reason why it needs to establish good practices, rigorous and mechanisms of control to guarantee that a quality tourist product is being offered. All these aspects will be addressed in a day of free character that will be developed in tomorrow’s morning, from 10h to 13.30h and for which prior registration is required.


Tuesday November 22nd, 2016

Meeting in Vigo on the challenges and innovation in scientific tourism

The headquarters of the Atlantic Islands National Park in Vigo hosts the first Scientific Tourism Conference on November 30 under the title “New approaches to tourism […]
Monday November 21st, 2016

Of the tourism accessible to the sensitive, central theme of the IV Forum Proturga

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Thursday November 17th, 2016

Fernando Gallardo reflects on the # Hotel2020 in his seminar in Compostela

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Monday November 14th, 2016

Informative meetings of the Reacciona-TIC program for Galician SMEs

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