
The deadline for submitting ideas is next Friday, April 10th

Solutions to restore health to tourism is the name of the challenge launched by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) with the aim that innovators and entrepreneurs present projects that can help the tourism sector recover from the Covid-19. The deadline for submitting them is Friday, April 10th.

The winners of the challenge will be invited to present their ideas to representatives of more than 150 governments and will have access to the UNWTO Innovation Network, which includes hundreds of emerging and other leading companies in the tourism sector.

Ideas ready to go
“With millions of jobs at risk as the pandemic hits tourism harder than any other sector, the UN agency specializing in this sector has included innovation in its overall response to Covid-19,” the international body said. The final objective of the competition is, therefore, to be able to mitigate the impact and place tourism at the center of future recovery efforts. In particular, the challenge is to find ideas that can have an immediate impact on destinations, businesses and public health efforts.

In this regard, participants must be able to demonstrate that their ideas can help tourism in its response to Covid-19. To do so, these ideas must already be in the testing phase, with a business plan formulated, so that they can be implemented in several countries. “We want ideas that will help communities recover from the crisis, economically and socially, and that can contribute to the public health response,” says UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili.

Participants must be able to demonstrate that their ideas can help tourism in its response to COVID-19. These ideas must already have passed the testing phase and be ready to be scaled up, with a business plan already formulated and potential for implementation in several countries.


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