New edition of Gastronomic Autumn in Rural Tourism 2024

  • The proposal of the Xunta de Galicia to promote rural tourism out of season will take place between September 13 and December 15
  • It has the participation of 77 Galician rural houses that offer various packages and experiences

The Gastronomic Autumn initiative has the objective of deseasonalizing and promoting Galician rural tourism. Last Friday the 13th, a new edition began that has 77 rural houses in the four provinces that offer special gastronomic packages and packages of stays and parallel activities such as canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, among others.


The program was presented at the Casa del Crucero (one of the participating establishments) by the director of Tourism of Galicia, Xosé Merelles, the delegate of the Xunta in A Coruña, Belén do Campo, and was attended by the vice president of the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia, Jesús Picallo.


According to statements by Merelles, this product “managed to consolidate itself as demonstrated by the almost €6 million that was injected into the tourism sector in these seventeen years in which more than 92,000 people participated.”


By province, A Coruña has 24 participating establishments, Lugo, with 23, and Ourense and Pontevedra with 15 each.


All the information related to the Gastronomic Autumn in Rural Tourism can be consulted on the website, where all the participants, exclusive menus, alternative activities…