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They ask for the suppression of municipal taxes until the summer of next year and to give facilities to the establishments to continue exploiting the terraces during the next months

The Compostela Hotel Association and the Association of Bars, Pubs and Discos of Santiago held several meetings with Compostela Aberta and the BNG in the last few days to which they expressed the need to open a direct dialogue with the Xunta and establish a clear and agreed roadmap with the sector for the reactivation of a sector deeply affected by the COVID crisis19. Furthermore, they once again expressed their rejection of the measure adopted by the Consellería de Sanidade regarding the closure of nightlife and called for the elimination of this measure.

In this regard, the hoteliers said that the proposal of the Xunta to allow the opening of these establishments outside is insufficient since many of them lack space for terraces and those who have them, have few options to use them in the face of winter.

In both meetings, also requested the removal of some municipal taxes such as garbage, until the summer of 2021 and to facilitate the activity outside the premises, allowing the implementation of heating stoves to extend the use of the terraces until the end of the year.

Other issues that these associations have also been calling for are the permanent extension of the ERTES until the sector is fully recovered, management aid for self-employed workers who cannot open their businesses, exemption from Social Security contributions and a reduction in VAT to 7%.

Thursday September 17th, 2020

Hostelería Compostela demands dialogue with the Xunta and a clear roadmap for the recovery of the sector

They ask for the suppression of municipal taxes until the summer of next year and to give facilities to the establishments to continue exploiting the terraces […]
Wednesday September 16th, 2020

The Xunta and nightlife entrepreneurs create a work table that will analyze weekly health data in order to reactivate the sector

The first vice-president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, and the Regional Minister of Health, Julio García Comesaña, held a meeting by videoconference with representatives of the […]
Wednesday September 9th, 2020

“Tourism we are all” presents its roadmap to save the national tourism sector from the crisis

La plataforma “Turismo somos todos”, promovida por la Asociación Española de Directores de Hotel (AEDH), la Asociación Española de Profesionales del Turismo (AEPT), Las Llaves de Oro Españolas, la Asociación Española de Gobernantas de Hotel y el Grupo RV Edipress, ha presentado al Gobierno una hoja de ruta con medidas concretas de protección a la industria turística. Sus objetivos están claros: salvar vidas, la economía y el turismo; evitar la destrucción de empresas y empleo ligados al sector; y conseguir que uno de los principales motores económicos de España lidere la recuperación del país.
Wednesday September 2nd, 2020

Sanidade establishes restrictive measures affecting the hotel industry in Ourense, Santiago, Santa Comba, Carballo and A Laracha

La Consellería de Sanidade ha decidido establecer medidas y restricciones en los ayuntamientos de Ourense, Santiago, Santa Comba, Carballo y A Laracha, medidas que suponen la limitación de los aforos al 50% en los establecimientos comerciales, de restauración y hostelería -donde además estará prohibido el consumo en barra-, la limitación del número máximo de personas en las reuniones tanto privadas como en la vía pública fijado en un máximo de 10 personas; así como la reducción de los aforos en celebraciones, velatorios y lugares de culto, además del cierre de los centros de día y residencias, sin olvidar la reducción de aforos en bibliotecas, academias, autoescuelas y centros privados de enseñanza no reglada entre otros. Dichas medidas, que entrarán en vigor a las 0 horas del jueves serán revisadas dentro de una semana.