Raul Garcia, CEO of Tourism of the City of Madrid and director of Micetraining.com be one of the speakers of the day on March 17
Registration for the conference is open and free to fill seats

Under the title “Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism Marketing Segment Mice”, the founder and director of MICEtraining.com and Aprendedeturismo.org, the participation of Raul Garcia will be one of the highlights of the day on destination marketing Galicia will take place on March 17 in Vigo as part of the II Galicia Tourism Cluster Meetings created with the aim of deepening the modernization and competitiveness of Galician tourism sector.
Among other things, Garcia will delve into the profound changes experienced marketing and management of tourist destinations in the last decade with clear guidance of tourist destinations to results. In some of the articles published by Raul Garcia about the founder of Aprendedeturismo.org he makes a review by demographic, social and economic cambos that have affected the way we travel as technological avaces that have transformed tourism in last years. In this sense, García says that “success in managing destinations before was based solely on whether or not increased the number of tourists received destiny”, but today the tourist destination should also measure other elements such as tourist expenditure, the type of tourists it receives, their average stay or seasonality. That is why, “the destinations have to go a step further and constantly analyze the success of their work. This requires measuring the impact and return on investment (ROI) of each promotional campaign, “said Raul Garcia.

The management model, in which García commitment to public-private cooperation, and promotion strategies to 360, betting on experiential marketing and the use of social networks within a positioning strategy and investment in development infrastructure and technologies that allow offer the tourist internet and relevant information are some of the aspects that affect exposures former Director of Tourism of the City of Madrid and manager in the Madrid Convention Bureau. Particularly in the field of new technologies, we highlight the article published on its website in which picked Aprendedeturismo.org 10 technology trends that are transforming tourism, very interesting reading.

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