
Centro Superior de Hostelería de Galicia offers a total of 23 training grants for next academic year, aid which may be requested until 22 August. Of the 23 grants that are offered, 20 are for students to form in the Superior course of Hotel Management, which lasts 4 years and the remaining three are aimed at students of Diploma in Food and Kitchen Management, formative activity of 2 years.

CSHG scholarships are awarded for every year that lasts titration, two of them considered of academic excellence. In this case you will be endowed with an amount of 6236.3 euros each year of the degree provided the student passes all subjects with 20% more than the average note of the class. The remaining 18 grants, of ordinary character, have a variable cash prize based on income and academic record. The first six beneficiaries will access a grant of 6236.2 euros, 80% of enrollment, and the remaining 12 to a scholarship of 3,750 euros each year, 50% of enrollment.

For students of Diploma in Food and Kitchen Management, three scholarships were concenden based on income and academic record, being able to benefit from grants of 3,750 euros each year, 50% gives tuition, all of them always renewable the student approve everything and does not exceed the maximum income.

Exemptions and payment facilities
The CSHG also has exemptions for candidates 50% of large families of general or have a disability of 33% or higher. The older, candidates from large families of special character and other cases as provided by law have free tuition. Also, the CSHG offers the possibility to pay in installments and has agreements with several banks with special conditions to face tuition.

Download the call for aid
Download the application form

Friday July 22nd, 2016

Open to apply for training grants from the Centro Superior de Hostelería de Galicia for the next academic year

Centro Superior de Hostelería de Galicia offers a total of 23 training grants for next academic year, aid which may be requested until 22 August. Of the […]
Thursday July 21st, 2016


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