Xunta de Galica

Called the Xunta, the four provincial councils and the FEGAMP for Monday in Santiago

After the successive separate demonstrations about the will to undertake coordinated measures to help the tourism and hospitality sector, the Galicia Tourism Cluster has summoned for Monday, January 25, the Xunta de Galicia, the four Galician provincial councils and city ​​councils (through the Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces – FEGAMP).

The Cluster considers dialogue between these public Administrations urgent and essential so that the measures implemented are adapted to the situation of the sector and take into account, in addition to the necessary financial injection to meet fixed costs, possible actions of a nature fiscal, financial and those related to employment.

The meeting will be face-to-face, with the adoption of all necessary prevention measures. As Cesáreo Pardal, president of the Cluster, explained, it is necessary that this be so “given the importance of the issues to be addressed and in accordance with the expectations of all companies in the tourism and hospitality subsectors.” It is, he added, “an important gesture that we can see our faces, which will undoubtedly be valued by the sector.” In this sense, Cesáreo Pardal recalled that the feeling of lack of communication and collaboration between the different public administrations causes discouragement and frustration in some companies that are at the limit of what they can bear ”.

The Cluster decided to take the initiative to call this meeting because, although the different Administrations have formulated separate proposals and established some grants, they have not done so in a coordinated way. He recalled that for the sector, the measures undertaken so far “have been clearly insufficient”,

The first vice-president of the Xunta and Councilor of Tourism, Alfonso Rueda; the Councilor of Employment and Equality, María Jesús Lorenzana; the president of the Provincial Council of A Coruña, Valentín González; the president of the Lugo Provincial Council, José Tomé; the president of the Ourense Provincial Council, Manuel Baltar; the president of the Pontevedra Provincial Council, Carmela Silva; and the president of the Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, Alberto Varela.

For the Galicia Tourism Cluster, the aid mechanisms are “urgent and essential”, which is why it asks the Administrations “to put aside their differences, because it is about saving a strategic industry for Galicia”.

Friday January 22nd, 2021

The Cluster will gather Administrations around a table to propose measures that allow tourism and hospitality to stay alive until recovery arrives

Called the Xunta, the four provincial councils and the FEGAMP for Monday in Santiago After the successive separate demonstrations about the will to undertake coordinated measures […]
Thursday December 3rd, 2020

The Xunta directs a letter to the Galician hospitality industry in which it explains the aid and indicates how to request it

The communication, signed by the first and second vice-presidents, Alfonso Rueda and Francisco José Conde, and by the Minister for Entrepreneurship, María Jesús Lourenzana, is accompanied […]
Monday November 23rd, 2020

The Galicia Tourism Cluster convenes a webinar to explain the aid of the Xunta to the sector due to the Covid-19 crisis

It’s aimed at workers, the self-employed and micro-companies, as well as those affected by the closures of the hospitality industry The Galicia Tourism Cluster will hold […]
Friday November 13th, 2020


The Galicia Tourism Cluster brings together hospitality, travel agencies, wholesalers, accommodation, business tourism and all the complementary offer in the Vice Presidency of the Xunta All […]