Driven by the Department of Tourism of Vigo and the Association of Galician people in China, Vigo will host on Thursday, July 21 I Seminar on Chinese Tourism Galicia, aimed at offering information on tourism in this country and encourage intercultural communication between the two countries applied to tourism and tourism management.

Aimed at entrepreneurs Galicians hotel establishments, restaurants, travel agencies and tour operators, small and medium business, department stores, government agencies and the general public, the day aims to raise awareness of the need to develop specific strategies to attract industry this type of tourism, adapting the offer to the characteristics of the Chinese economy, while greater awareness of the actual context of supply and facilitate the Galician geography. With this initiative, in addition, its promoters intend to group companies and establishments with an offer adapted to capture, care and reception of the Chinese customer to group brand for Galicia.

To attend the conference, to be held in morning and afternoon hours, people interested can obtain more information through the Council of Vigo or the Association Galician People in China (

Tuesday July 19th, 2016

Vigo hosts the First Conference on Chinese tourism in Galicia

Driven by the Department of Tourism of Vigo and the Association of Galician people in China, Vigo will host on Thursday, July 21 I Seminar on Chinese […]
Wednesday July 13th, 2016

Vigo commitment to industrial tourism linked to fishing past of the city to capture visitor flows

Driven by the Foundation for Fish and Shellfish (Fundamar) and directed by the Cooperative of Shipowners of Vigo (Arvi) and the UGT and CCOO unions, Vigo […]
Thursday January 21st, 2016

Galicia asume la coordinación de la España Verde

En la segunda jornada de #Fitur2016 se llevaron a cabo un total de 15 presentaciones de destinos y productos turísticos gallegos La 36 edición de la […]
Monday May 4th, 2015

Turismo náutico y marinero, protagonistas este sábado del III Foro Proturga

El turismo náutico y marineiro en Galicia centran el nuevo Foro Proturga, que se celebrará este sábado, 9 de mayo, en Vigo. Promovido por la Asociación […]