The Galician delegation, in which the Galician Tourism Cluster was present, participated in a dozen professional meetings specifically oriented to the contract and tourism sector.

The meetings linked to tourism and the contract sector (furniture and interior design for hotels and offices) had a great weight in most of the professional meetings that took place during the Xunta de Galicia’s institutional trip to Miami and New York, which was the first institutional trip of President Núñez Feijóo to Miami. The agenda had a marked economic character and a great tourist weight, from there the presence in the trip of the conselleiro of Industry, Francisco Conde, or the person in charge of Tourism, Nava Castro. The Galician delegation was completed with those responsible for the main Galician ports, a representation of the Tourism Cluster and a business delegation from the contract sector. They all participated in a dozen meetings with which the Xunta seeks to open avenues of business in North America, in addition to promoting the upcoming celebration of Xacobeo 2021.

Precisely the celebration of this next milestone was one of the aspects addressed during the meetings with the mayor of Miami-Dade County, Carlos A. Giménez, who announced that he plans to visit Galicia next June as part of a trip through Europe. Meetings were also held with the Galician communities and with the chambers of commerce of Miami and New York, as well as a visit to the port of Miami to promote the Holy Year 2021 and spoke of the possibility of opening routes with Vigo, A Coruña or Ferrol.

There was also a meeting with directors of Miami Airport, the first one in international flights from the USA and the third one of cargo, to which the interest was transferred so that some airline could establish a direct flight for the Holy Year (Xacobeo). The agenda of contacts was completed with contacts with large hotel groups such as Ritz Carlton and Marriott and with the visit to New York, where cultural activities gained more weight, with the signing of a collaboration agreement between the Department of Culture and Tourism and the Institute of Fine Arts of New York, for the organization of the symposium ‘Imaginando el Camino de Santiago: itineraries, narrations, maps and visions’.

Friday February 8th, 2019

Opening of professional contacts with Miami and New York in the framework of the institutional trip of the Xunta.

The Galician delegation, in which the Galician Tourism Cluster was present, participated in a dozen professional meetings specifically oriented to the contract and tourism sector. The […]
Monday January 15th, 2018

The Xunta advances that Galicia will exceed the figure of 5 million passengers in 2017

Núñez Feijóo advanced this balance in the Consello de la Xunta in which he announced the setting up of the Xacobeo 2021 Organizing Commission. The president […]