
They continue to be listed in Aragon, Catalonia, Navarre and the Basque Country in Spain and 136 other countries.

The Ministry of Health has updated the list of territories that must be registered for travellers arriving in Galicia in view of the evolution of the epidemiological situation in different Autonomous Communities and in other countries. A new feature is the inclusion of Madrid among the territories of obligatory registration, while La Rioja and Portugal have disappeared. Aragon, Catalonia, Navarre and the Basque Country remain on the list.

All travellers arriving in Galicia, after staying within the 14-day period prior to their arrival in territories with an epidemiological incidence 4 times higher than that of Galicia, must communicate their contact details to the health authorities within a maximum period of 24 hours, regardless of whether they are residents of our community or not. In this way, the Health Department tries to achieve an earlier diagnosis of any infection by the virus, thus protecting the health of citizens.

Two ways of providing contact information
To provide this information, you can fill out the form that will be available on the web or provide the data by calling 881 00 20 21. All travellers will be provided with a contact in case they have any type of symptom, either through their family doctor if they are residents with a health card in Galicia, or through the above-mentioned telephone number for those who do not have one. They will also be provided with information and health recommendations and may take any follow-up, recognition and control measures deemed necessary. Thus, for example, in the case of people coming from territories with a higher risk, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not, a diagnostic test could be promoted.

More than 100,000 registered travellers

A total of 107,412 people registered their contact details in the register of travellers set up by the Ministry of Health on 29 July. Of these, 62,446, 58.1% of the total, came from the different Autonomous Communities with obligatory communications, specifically 29,783 from the Basque Country, 24,150 from Catalonia, 3,674 from Aragon, 3,011 from Navarre and 1,828 from La Rioja.

Likewise, 449 travellers were recorded who arrived from countries with a higher epidemiological risk. Specifically 121 from the United States, 75 from Luxembourg, 75 from Mexico, 46 from Brazil, 42 from the Dominican Republic, 33 from Romania, 22 from Chile, 16 from Ecuador, 11 from Peru and 8 from Colombia.

The rest of the cases correspond to travelers from other countries with a lower epidemiological risk than those previously mentioned or to travelers who registered voluntarily, since they come from autonomous communities and countries that are not obligatory to declare.


Thursday August 6th, 2020

The Xunta removes Portugal and La Rioja from the list of territories of obligatory registration for travellers arriving in Galicia and includes Madrid

They continue to be listed in Aragon, Catalonia, Navarre and the Basque Country in Spain and 136 other countries. The Ministry of Health has updated the […]
Wednesday July 29th, 2020

Travellers arriving in Galicia from territories with a higher prevalence of COVID19 will have to communicate their data to SERGAS

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