Convocation of the II BTT Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas that hopes to gather 250 cyclists in Condado do Tea


Convocation of the II BTT Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas that hopes to gather 250 cyclists in Condado do Tea

Registration for the sporting event, which will take place on 22 October, is now open through the website

The second edition of the Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas BTT will be held on 22 October in Arbo, with the forecast that around 250 cyclists will participate. The event, promoted by the Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas with the collaboration of the Galician Cycling Federation and El Corte Inglés, aims to consolidate an initiative that combines sport with wine tourism, promoting knowledge of the different subzones that make up the wine route.

After the success registered in the first edition, which took place in the Ulla subzone, this year the BTT is moving to Condado do Tea, specifically to Arbo, where it will run with a route of 45 kilometers and medium difficulty that will allow them to tour the partner wineries As Laxas, Pazo Pondal and Marqués de Vizhoja and vineyards. At the end of the race, enopacks will be given to the oldest and youngest cyclists, as well as to the club with the highest number of participants and to the sportsman who comes from further afield. These gifts will mainly consist of visits to wineries associated with the Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas.

For those accompanying persons, as was already done last year, a hiking route has been organised which will also run through the municipality of Arbo, which collaborates in the event, and which will allow them to visit the Wine Interpretation Centre and the ARABO Lamprea.

Registration to take part in the test is now open and can be formalized through the website The price per dorsal is 10 euros and includes all the insurance, as well as two souvenir gifts for the participants: a technical T-shirt and a bottle of wine from wineries associated with the Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas.