
Training is one of the pillars on which the Director and Strategic Plan of the Camino de Santiago, the Tourism Agency of Galicia, which is who promotes a series of training activities aimed at public and private shelters, accommodations and restaurants in the rests Jacobean route and are taught by the CSHG through the Itinerant School of Tourism. Created with the aim of improving the training of all those involved in offering services on the Camino de Santiago, the courses are a total of 25 including management department rececpción, Smart Camiño, the impact of social networks and pilgrim or care and information to the pilgrim. The courses reported below are already underway and will take place on different dates in Melide, Sarria, Santiago and Cee, previous registration to participate still needed.

1. Attention, information and service in accommodation pilgrim road to Santiago
Recipients: receptionists, owners and workers hostels and accommodation road.
Objectives: To get a correct orientation to the pilgrim, meet their needs and try to meet their expectations.
Dates: Melide May 10 / Sarria May 11, 2016 / Santiago May 25, 2016 / Cene (24 May 2016)

2. Management department reception accommodation Camino
Recipients: receptionists hostels and accommodation road.
Objectives: improve management in the receiving department shelters and accommodation, through management tools and quality processes.
Dates: April 12, 2016 Melide / Sarria April 13, 2016 / Santiago April 19, 2016 / Cene May 24, 2016

3. The tip preregrino in social networks
Recipients: workers / owners of public and personal hostels and tourist accommodation road.
Objectives: to determine the impact of a good or bad service in social networks, and manage comments pilgrims on networks.
Dates: May 10, 2016 Melide / Sarria May 11, 2016 / Santiago May 25, 2016

4. Put your hostel on the map: Smart Way
Recipients: workers / owners of public and personal hostels and tourist accommodation road.
Objectives: to present the business on social networks and be present on digital platforms and portals of the Camino de Santiago.
Dates: April 12, 2016 Melide / Sarria April 13, 2016 / Santiago April 19, 2016
You can also sign up or by calling 981 542 592

Monday April 11th, 2016

Open deadline to participate in the courses of the School of Tourism for accommodation and restaurants in the Camino de Santiago

Training is one of the pillars on which the Director and Strategic Plan of the Camino de Santiago, the Tourism Agency of Galicia, which is who […]
Monday April 11th, 2016

Appointment with viticulture in Vigo with Atlante Wine Forum

Conceived as a day of meeting, training and joint work of professionals in the wine world who work in northwestern Spain and northern Portugal, Atlante Wine […]
Thursday April 7th, 2016


The study is a report on the use of Information Technology and Communications (ICT) by the Tourism sector in Spain produced by the National Observatory for […]
Wednesday April 6th, 2016

Open the annual call for aid for achieving or renewing Q Quality

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