
For two days, Friday 16 and Saturday 17, the Municipal Auditorium of Nigrán hosts a conference aimed at deepening the heritage, nature and tourism around the Islands Estelas, in Nigrán. Promoted by Estela, Arqueoloxía e Patrimonio in collaboration with the municipality of Nigrán and the Diputación de Pontevedra, the program includes a first day with talks about the heritage and the management of the patrimonial and tourist resources of the islands, as well as a talk about The conservation of the natural values ​​of the Atlantic islands. Already on Saturday there will be an interpretive walk to better understand the natural and patrimonial values ​​of this space of Estelas and Monteferro that will leave at 11h of the Visigoth arc of Panxón.

More information and contact:
Phones 986 12 61 65 or 677 164 635


Tuesday December 13th, 2016

Nigrán hosts a conference on heritage, nature and tourism around the islands Estelas

For two days, Friday 16 and Saturday 17, the Municipal Auditorium of Nigrán hosts a conference aimed at deepening the heritage, nature and tourism around the […]
Friday December 9th, 2016

Galicia Turística. Annual magazine of Clúster Turismo Galicia

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Thursday December 1st, 2016

Tourism of the future, tourism for all

The Proturga Forum focuses on the need for more training and on having the groups involved to create accessible tourist products Inclusive tourism in which tourism […]
Friday November 25th, 2016

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia renews its bet, through the training, by a professional and quality sector in the closure of its II Training Plan

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