
A total of 172 companies of the Galician tourist sector were the beneficiaries of the call for aid called this year by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, through the Tourism Agency of Galicia, for the certification of the Q mark of the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE), as well as published in the Official Gazette of Galicia.

These grants are a boost for rural tourism establishments and hotels, tourist apartments and housing, camps, travel agencies, cafes, bars, restaurants and complementary services companies in its process of accreditation of tourism excellence.

The concession procedure was processed on a competitive basis and the aid includes the promotion of actions to improve quality through first certification processes, monitoring and / or renewal of the Q mark of Tourism Quality of the ICTE, corresponding to 2018 and starting from 1 January 2018.

Specifically, this aid subsidizes the costs of external auditing of certification, monitoring and/or renewal of the system invoiced by the auditing entity accredited by the ICTE and also the costs arising from the rights of use of the Q mark in 2018, once certification, monitoring and/or renewal of the establishment, invoiced by the ICTE to the establishment.

Leaders in excellence

In its commitment to excellence, the Consellería de Cultura y Turismo called these aids advancing in two directions: in the consolidation of an increasingly competitive destination and in the interest of offering travelers the best possible service as part of the will of Galicians to always provide the best welcome to those visiting the Galician Community.

Galicia leads in Spain several tourist segments with more Q for Quality. Specifically, six out of every ten nautical sports facilities with a Quality Q in Spain are in Galicia. In rural tourism, half of the recognised accommodation establishments are Galician. The same applies to industrial tourism services and infrastructures (46%), active tourism (37.5%) and spas (23%).

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