
From November to May, PROTURGA will carry out 10 familiarization trips in 10 sections of the 10 routes that make up the Camino de Santiago under the Facendo Camiño project, an initiative of this association of tourism professionals sponsored in the O Teu Xacobeo program. In these trips, of which the first one took place this week, centred on the English Way, professionals of the tourism of Galicia participate who will know in situ the star product of the community and will analyze the state of the layout and of the resources and services in each one of the routes.

The objectives are twofold: On the one hand, to provide knowledge to Galician tourism professionals so that they can improve as prescribers of the destination and the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago and, on the other hand, to carry out an analysis of the routes in order to detect possible improvements.

In addition to the journey itself, each day will include visits to heritage and tourist resources that can be found on that itinerary. Thus, for example, the first day included visits to the local heritage of the road between Miño and Betanzos and a walk along the English road to continue with a gastronomic break to taste local products. In the afternoon, in the Lyceum of Betanzos, a debate with analysis of the English Way was developed among the professionals who participate in the day to offer a professional vision of the way in its different aspects.

Wednesday November 27th, 2019

The project “Facendo Camiño”, familiarization trips on the Way of St. James, organized by Proturga, begins

From November to May, PROTURGA will carry out 10 familiarization trips in 10 sections of the 10 routes that make up the Camino de Santiago under […]
Tuesday November 26th, 2019

The Xunta subsidizes with 1.2 million euros improvements in about 70 tourist accommodation establishments

A total of 66 Galician tourist establishments will benefit from subsidies from the Xunta de Galicia for actions to improve infrastructure in tourist accommodation establishments, included […]
Thursday November 14th, 2019

The Iberian Congress on Sport Tourism, prelude to Sportur, brings together in Ourense 300 professionals linked to sports tourism

Expourense hosted this week the Iberian Congress of Sport Tourism, which this year becomes the prelude to the Salon do Deporte e Turismo Activo Sportur, which […]
Wednesday November 13th, 2019

200 entities have requested the Xunta’s line of aids for the organization of congresses on the occasion of Xacobeo 21.

The call is endowed with 500,000 euros and aims to enhance the congress activity in Galicia for its capacity to deseasonalization and high added value. Nearly […]