
The first actions, for which the registration period is open, will deepen the use of social networks in cultural dissemination and techniques for the informative story

Within the e-learning plan launched by the Xunta de Galicia to improve the skills of professionals in the tourism sector in the current situation of confinement, the Xunta has launched a free online specific training plan for the tourist guide segment, in response to a demand from the sector. This is a series of talks specially aimed at these professionals, which focus on the use of social networks for cultural dissemination, techniques for cultural and informative stories, and the heritage of the Ribeira Sacra, among other issues.

The first one has been held this Monday focused on the use of social networks for cultural dissemination, while the second one will be next Monday, May 4th at 5 pm on techniques for cultural and informative storytelling. They will be given by the specialist Miguel A. Cajigal (@elbarroquista) who will offer the seminars live, answering the doubts of the participants, who will also receive informative and documentary material with activities of evaluation and extension of the knowledge. In the coming weeks, training activities are also scheduled on the heritage of the Ribeira Sacra – a candidate for UNESCO World Heritage in 2021 – as well as, depending on demand, on contemporary architecture in Galicia or the Way of Saint James.

These new actions are part of the training program for the tourism sector that continues this week with a session on Google Analitycs in hotels and restaurants by Tirso Maldonado, a specialist in digital transformation and online business development, which will take place on Wednesday, April 29. All these actions are free and access is by order of registration at To facilitate access to these contents, from Monday 27th all the courses that have already been given will also be available on the CSHG Youtube channel.

Monday April 27th, 2020
formación on line Xunta de Galicia

The Xunta opens a specific line for tourist guides through its new free tele-training plan

The first actions, for which the registration period is open, will deepen the use of social networks in cultural dissemination and techniques for the informative story […]
Tuesday March 31st, 2020
medidas coronavirus igape galicia

The new line of regional financing for SMEs and the self-employed will provide liquidity of up to 200,000 euros per business to tackle the coronavirus

The line of financing approved by the Galician Government will allow the Galician business community, especially SMEs and the self-employed, to mobilize 250 million euros to […]
Monday March 30th, 2020
formación on line Xunta de Galicia

Four new webinars of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism complete the e-learning plan for the Galician tourism sector

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Tuesday March 24th, 2020
formación on line Xunta de Galicia

The Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism launches a tele-training plan with 4 webinars during the confinement

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