
Three activities planned for the next few days will enable professionals in the sector to tackle issues such as cyber threats and the processing of personal data.


The growing use of new technologies in the field of tourism has led to the emergence of new challenges for professionals in the sector in areas such as cybersecurity and privacy. To solve their questions and doubts in this regard, in the framework of the GaiásTech space and (the node created by the Galician public administrations and the private sector to take advantage of the opportunities of the digital era and to face the threat of cyber-attacks), three monographic courses have been scheduled to be given in the coming days.


The first of these will take place on Wednesday 8 June at the premises of the Provincial Council of A Coruña and will be given by staff from APDTIC, a consultancy firm specialising in information and communication technology law. The conference will be dedicated to Security and privacy in the tourism sector and will focus on the regulations and aspects that entities, agencies and tour operators must take into account when dealing with the personal data of travellers that they handle on a daily basis. André Castelo, managing partner at APDTIC, will give the session. It will be possible to participate both in person and online, and in both cases prior registration is required. More information at


One day later, on Thursday 9, the Provincial Council of Pontevedra will host a conference dedicated to Cybersecurity in the tourism and leisure sector. In this case, Ramón Suárez, ceo of, and cybersecurity consultant Arán Feijoo will be responsible for explaining to participants the cyber threats to which companies in the sector are exposed and what measures they can take to deal with them. The session is aimed at the self-employed, SMEs and micro-SMEs and will also be given in two formats: face-to-face and online. More information at


The third conference on security in the tourism sector will be held on 15 June and, unlike the previous two, will be exclusively online. How to make staff aware of the existing cyber threat? The human factor as the key to cybersecurity is the title of this session organised with the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Ourense and will be given by Diego Estévez García, from the legal consultancy ADENDA. It is aimed at professionals and managers of SMEs and micro-SMEs, and self-employed people interested in knowing the needs and advantages of using cybersecurity measures. More information at

Friday June 3rd, 2022

Courses on cybersecurity for the tourism sector

Three activities planned for the next few days will enable professionals in the sector to tackle issues such as cyber threats and the processing of personal […]
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