Within the framework of the elaboration of the Catalogue of Rural Tourism Products 2018 that the Galician Tourism Cluster is promoting at the proposal of the Galician Federation of Rural Tourism (Fegatur) and the Galician Association of Rural Tourism (Agatur), Compostela hosted a meeting of the Galician rural tourism sector in order to make an analysis of the current situation of this segment and outline joint strategies of action for the coming months. The conference served to know the status of the project to create this catalog of tourism products linked to this segment, resolve doubts and agree on a strategy of action for the rural tourism sector for the autumn 2018, in which to promote rural tourism establishments in Galicia during the months of October and November with various initiatives both jointly sector and sector and individual level.
The conference was attended by the Head of the Galician Tourism Products Department, Santiago Bacariza, who stressed the need to promote synergies and collaborations between companies to benefit from initiatives such as the catalogue but also from the aid managed through Tourism of Galicia, focused on the creation of product. Bacariza also drew the attention of the great impulse that the celebration of the Xacbeo 2021 will suppose and the rural tourism must take advantage of this flow of visitors that will arrive in Galicia in the next years. “It is essential to deepen the associative structure of the Galician rural tourism sector and the creation of a tourist product that hardly exists at present”, he said.
Precisely the internationalization as well as the deseasonalization, the differentiation of the product and the need for greater promotion were some of the aspects that were addressed during the day, as a brief diagnosis of the current situation of the sector.
Completion of work and launch of the campaign
This day marks the end of the first phase of the revitalisation of Galician rural tourism this year. During the months of July and August, associations such as Mar de Compostela, Campo y Mar, Ribeira Sacra Rural and Agatur have held a series of meetings and working days that have culminated in the creation of a catalogue of tourism products, in which the contributions made by various rural tourism establishments have been added and which can now be consulted online, in the absence of being definitively concluded during the first half of September.
Finally, it was also agreed to carry out a promotional action focused on the weekend of 29 and 30 September, as a pilot experience to see the response of the final public and which will conclude at the end of November. Any rural tourism establishment or association interested in rural tourism can contact estudos.fegatur@gmail.com.